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Table 5 Aspects of implementation tools that influence the decision for use

From: How do clinicians use implementation tools to apply breast cancer screening guidelines to practice?





Integrating into EMR so access occurs within patient charts.

Accessibility through FMPE and CTFPHC websites.

Tools not compatible with some EMRs or required approval to be input, and therefore not usable.

Paper may be difficult to find.

“…. it’s very hard to pull out the paper in the middle of a discussion because I can never find it, and when I actually do need to find something it is quite frustrating when I cannot find the paper that I am looking for.” Int #10


Supplement to patient consultations and increased patient education.

Some clinicians may use tools as substitute for actual discussions with patients.

If not part of routine practice; unlikely to use.

Not suitable for simple messages.

Number of tools


Space constraints for retaining/displaying so many tools.

Time constraints


Time consuming to explain tools to patients, to integrate into EMRs and to use consistently.

Patient literacy


Literacy level may be too high.

Tools not accessible for either visual or hearing impaired.

  1. CTFPHC Canadian Task Force for Preventive Health, EMR electronic medical record, FMPE The Foundation for Medical Practice Education