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Table 6 Action statements

From: Collective action for implementation: a realist evaluation of organisational collaboration in healthcare

• Identify opportunities for quick wins that build on earlier or pre-formative collaborative work and/or dialogue.

• Ensure there are opportunities for learning and evaluation and that these can feed into changes in ways of working around implementation.

• Create a flexible architecture and clear processes for ways of working across the partnership(s), which allow interaction and productive conversations.

• Check out stakeholders understandings of implementation, and build (interactively and iteratively) a middle-ground for collective action.

• Use incentives to drive engagement that reflect the relevant professional and research contexts.

• Build on existing relationships and networks within and across partner organisations.

• Ensure that facilitation resources (including potential for developing artefacts and tools) and skills are situated where required to catalyse implementation activity.

• Create an integrated mix of formal and distributed leadership around both collaboration and implementation.

• Assume the contexts for collaboration(s) and implementation will change over time, and that there is structural and financial agility to accommodate this.

• Use financial resources and flows across the collaboration(s) to renegotiate, rather than create barriers to collective action on implementation.