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Table 3 Implementation and effectiveness outcomes

From: Community-engaged optimization of COVID-19 rapid evaluation and testing experiences: roll-out implementation optimization trial

Implementation outcomes


The absolute number, proportion, and representativeness of community members who attend the walk-up onsite testing; interact with the promotores for support; and/or utilize the vending machines compared to all eligible community members on key characteristics. Reasons for non-participation


Demographic and professional characteristics of promotores (adoption staff level) and characteristics of clinics (adoption site level)


# of days and hours walk-up onsite testing is delivered, # of staff at testing, # of test completed at walk-up onsite testing, # of days and hours promotores delivering support per clinic and the type of support delivered, # of days and hours vending machines operate at clinic site and types of services provided through the machine, number of tests dispensed through the vending machines


Ongoing operation of walk-up onsite testing beyond initial roll-out at Clinic 1; ongoing promotore services provided beyond initial roll-out (first 3 months) at all clinics (and type of support); ongoing operation of vending machines beyond initial roll-out (first 3 months)

Effectiveness (clinical and public health) outcomes

COVID-19 RAT completion

Number of RATs distributed through the walk-up onsite testing and vending machines

Optimal COVID-19 testing experience

Offering the most clinically useful COVID-19 test and returning results within an optimal timeframe to enable appropriate treatment and decrease transmission, in the most acceptable, timely, and feasible manner

Preventive care engagement

Up-to-date age/sex-specific preventive care (e.g., flu shot; cancer screening) based on participants’ demographic and health characteristics