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Table 2 Strategies for deployment of the telehealth-enabled remote audit and feedback (TEACH intervention)

From: Implementation of coordinated spontaneous awakening and breathing trials using telehealth-enabled, real-time audit and feedback for clinician adherence (TEACH): a type II hybrid effectiveness-implementation cluster-randomized trial


Organize clinical operations leadership team

Identify and prepare local site project team/site champions

Develop educational materials and conduct training

Facilitate relay of clinical data to clinicians in real time

Utilize remote monitoring and prompting to audit and deliver feedback


Nurse and respiratory care leadership, tele-critical care nurse and respiratory care leadership, implementation advisors

Cross-disciplinary site teams including local site physician leader, nurse, and respiratory care project leads

Nurse and respiratory care leadership, tele-critical care nurse and respiratory care leadership, implementation advisor

Cross-disciplinary team including clinical and implementation effectiveness leadership, information technology

Tele-critical care nurses and respiratory therapists


Define standard workflow for the TEACH intervention

Identify and address barriers to adherence

Identify and address local barriers to adherence to the TEACH intervention

Introduce TEACH intervention in staff meetings, provide individual training and reinforcement with nurses and respiratory therapists

Utilize an electronic dashboard that includes information on SAT/SBT performance along with electronic medical record and tracking data

Identify potential non-adherent patients, evaluate to confirm nonadherence, conduct outreach to bedside clinician, provide bedside consultation/facilitation, document interaction

Targets of the action

Local site project teams/champions

Front-line clinicians

Local site project teams/champions

Tele-critical care nurses and respiratory therapists

Front-line respiratory therapists and nurses


Initiation through sustainment

Implementation through sustainment

Implementation phase

Initiation through sustainment

Implementation through sustainment


At least biweekly


At site deployment and periodic refresh as needed

Daily, real-time reporting

Daily, as needed

Implementation outcomes affected

Uptake, penetration

Uptake, penetration, fidelity

Uptake, penetration, fidelity

Uptake, penetration, fidelity

Uptake, penetration, fidelity