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Table 5 Summary of recommendations

From: Use of routine healthcare data in randomised implementation trials: a methodological mixed-methods systematic review

Implementation strategy

1) Using the convention of distinguishing the implementation strategy (the initiative(s) being tested in an implementation trial) from the evidence-based intervention that is being implemented [29]

2) Describing the common implementation strategies according to an existing standardisation or taxonomy [5]

3) Specifying the unique strategies by (1) the actor, (2) the action, (3) action target, (4) temporality (i.e. timing and sequencing), (5) dose, (6) implementation outcomes affected, and (7) theoretical, empirical, or pragmatic justification [5]

Implementation outcome

1) Distinguish implementation outcomes from clinical outcomes and set priority for implementation outcomes

2) Employ standardised language in labelling and describing the implementation outcomes, where applicable