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Table 2 Guiding questions to support community-based action planning and implementation

From: Integrating knowledge and action: learnings from an implementation program for food security and food sovereignty with First Nations communities within Canada

Guiding principles

Questions to support participatory planning and action

Principle 1: Create safe and ethical spaces for dialog by establishing trust and commitment from the ground up

1.1 Recognize and respect community governance, leadership, and protocols

How will community members be engaged?

How will leadership and decision-making processes be engaged?

Is a formal partnership agreement required?

Is there a mechanism(s) to facilitate trust and commitment between local organizations and partners involved?

What principles and guidelines should be followed?

What mechanism(s) need to be in place to manage conflict?

1.2 Establish project advisory structures to guide and champion community-driven actions, leadership, and partnerships

How will local knowledge, values and preferences be integrated?

What perspectives, knowledge and skills will be helpful?

Principle 2: Understand the context for change through community engagement

2.1 Build a shared understanding of values, priorities, and opportunities

What areas can be strengthened within your local food system?

What challenges need to be addressed?

What are opportunities for change?

2.2 Work within a community’s social, political, and historical context

Are current programs/models/supports grounded in community values and knowledge? If not, why?

Are current programs/models/supports helpful and meeting community priorities? If not, why?

2.3 Identify and build on community supports

What supports currently exist that can be built upon?

What programs/supports are needed?

What skills and experiences are needed to support change efforts?

Principle 3: Foster relationships to strengthen and sustain impact

3.1 Make connections between people, programs, and processes

Who needs to be engaged?

Who are key decision makers? How will they be engaged?

Who are key actors to support on the ground activities? How will they be engaged?

Who will be impacted by the change? How will they be engaged?

Who can support the maintenance of project activities and change efforts?

How are key actors and those impacted by the change connected?

3.2 Integrate Indigenous worldviews, perspectives, and values

What perspectives and knowledge are needed to support change efforts?

Principle 4: Reflect and embrace program flexibility to integrate learnings

4.1 Create space for reflection and mutual learnings

How are principles and values guiding partnerships?

What is working well?

What can be done differently?

What areas can be improved?