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Table 4 Outcome measures summarizing the implementation and clinical effectiveness outcomes

From: Scaling and sustaining COVID-19 vaccination through meaningful community engagement and care coordination for underserved communities: hybrid type 3 effectiveness-implementation sequential multiple assignment randomized trial

Implementation outcomes


The absolute number, proportion, and representativeness of participants who are compared to all eligible patients on key characteristics. Reasons for nonparticipation


Demographic and professional characteristics of Community Weavers and care coordinators


#, timing, type, content of delivery of mHealth messages, care coordination, and Community Weaver activities


Ongoing delivery of mHealth messages, care coordination, and Community Weaver activities during the sustainment phase. Ongoing impact on vaccine acceptance and confidence, COVID-19 vaccine uptake, and preventive services engagement

Effectiveness (clinical) outcomes

Vaccine confidence

Adapted vaccine confidence survey

Intention to engage in preventive services

Measured as scheduled appointments for due or overdue preventive services

COVID-19 vaccine uptake

Up-to-date vaccine record defined as completed vaccine series and required boosters as recommended by Centers for Disease Control guidelines for COVID-19 vaccination at the time of implementation to be confirmed through electronic health records

Preventive services engagement

Up-to-date age- and gender-specific preventive services (e.g., mammograms, adult immunizations, blood pressure screenings, A1c screenings, colorectal cancer screenings). Standards will be defined for each participant based on their demographic and health characteristics