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Table 2 The three levels of local implementation of health policies: the French case

From: Local implementation of public health policies revealed by the COVID-19 crisis: the French case

Feature of each level

Administrative implementation

Organizational implementation

Operational implementation


- ARSa

- Representative of the State

- Local elected officials

- GHTb

- CHUc

- Hospitals


- Heads of department

- Health care managers

- Health care staff (physicians, nurses, care assistants, maintenance staff)

Implementation designers

Ministry of Health



Department heads


Implementation drivers



Managers and Health care staff





Forms of coordination

- Systemic

- Organizational

- Functional

- Professional

- Normative

- Clinical

  1. aRegional health agency (ARS) are public administrative establishments of the French State in charge of the implementation of health policy in its region. Their aim is to ensure a unified management of health in the region, to better respond to the needs of the population and to increase the efficiency of the health system
  2. bTerritorial hospital groupings (GHT) are a contractual arrangement, mandatory since July 2016, between public health establishments in the same geographical area, by which they undertake to coordinate around a common and graduated patient care strategy, formalised in a shared medical project
  3. cUniversity Hospital Centers (CHU) are public health establishments, which have signed an agreement with a university, or possibly with several universities. They have a triple mission of care, teaching and research. but also prevention, health education and the fight against social exclusion
  4. dEHPAD are Housing institutions for elderly dependents. They are the most widespread type of French Residential care for senior citizens