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Table 3 Characteristics of capacity building interventions for a combination of researchers, practitioners, and/or practitioners-in-training

From: Leveraging academic initiatives to advance implementation practice: a scoping review of capacity building interventions




Core components

Training objectives



Carlfjord et al., 2017 [23]


Researchers, allied health professionals

Didactic activities, knowledge sharing

To build understanding of implementation theory and practice in healthcare

Post-test survey

↑ knowledge; high satisfaction with program

Galaviz et al., 2016 [24]

USA, Mexico, and India

Mid-career professionals, researchers, and public health workers

Didactic activities, mentorship and expert consultation, practical activities

To build implementation capacity in LMICs

Pre-post survey at baseline and completion; total projects developed

↑ confidence in implementation research and leadership; development of 53 collaborative implementation projects

Li et al., 2019 [25]


Researchers, practitioners, QI experts, community stakeholders

Mentorship and expert consultation, practical application activities, knowledge sharing activities

To foster a learning collaborative related to D&I capacity

Total implementation teams formed

Formation of 26 teams collaborating on implementation projects

Morrato et al., 2015 [26]


Researchers, healthcare professionals/public health workers, graduate students

Didactic activities, mentorship and expert consultation, knowledge sharing activities

To adapt national D&I training programs and foster a local learning community

Pre-post survey at baseline, 1-week post, and 6-months post

↑ knowledge of D&I; ↑ development of D&I grants, papers, and projects

Norton 2014 [27]


Researchers and public health students

Didactic activities, mentorship and expert consultation

To teach public health students and academic researchers about D&I

Post-test survey

↑ knowledge and confidence with D&I; high satisfaction with collaborative learning approach

Park et al., 2018 [28]


Healthcare professionals, researchers, managers

Didactic activities, mentorship and expert consultation, practical application

To build capacity for KT practice

Pre-post survey at baseline, 6-, 12-, 18-, and 24-months; interviews and focus groups

↑ self-efficacy, confidence, and knowledge in KT principles

↑ implementation of KT principles in practice

Ramaswamy et al., 2020 [29]

South Africa

Public health students and public health workers

Didactic activities, mentorship and expert consultation, practical application activities, knowledge sharing activities

To build implementation capacity in South Africa

Post-test survey; interviews

Reports of high satisfaction among participants

Straus et al., 2011 [30]


Researchers, healthcare professionals, graduate students

Didactic activities, mentorship and expert consultation, practical application activities, knowledge sharing activities

To build capacity in science and practice of KT

# of attendees

No data yet other than # of summer institute attendees (n = 90)

  1. LMICs low- and middle-income countries, QI quality improvement