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Table 3 Summary of recent reviews of priorities for and impacts of interventions addressing health equity and social determinants of health

From: Implementation science should give higher priority to health equity

First author

Focus of study

Year of publication

Type of review

Selected findings

Paradies [62]

Racism as a determinant of health


Systematic review (meta-analysis)

• Racism was associated with poorer mental health (r = − .23; 95% confidence interval (CI) = − .24, − .21)

• Racism was also associated with poorer general health (r = − .13; 95% CI = − .18, − .09) and poorer physical health (r = − .09; 95% CI = − .12, − .06)

• Among physical health outcomes, racism was associated with diabetes (r = − .02; 95% CI = − .09, .04)

Purnell [63]

Gaps and innovative interventions for health equity


Narrative review

• Identified persistent disparities for cardiovascular disease and cancer risk by race and urban-rural residence

• Culturally tailored, promotora-based interventions improved mammography screening among Latinas

• Use of referrals to community resources to address sociocultural barriers was associated with smoking cessation

• A stakeholder-engaged, culturally tailored intervention was effective in controlling blood pressure

Taylor [64]

Impacts of investments in social determinants interventions


Narrative review

• Housing support interventions showed reduced healthcare costs and improvements in health outcomes (obesity, diabetes, asthma, HIV)

• Nutrition support interventions improved health outcomes (protective for low birthweight and preterm delivery, body weight)

• Income support interventions consistently demonstrated a positive impact on health outcomes (infant mortality, disability rates, mental health)

• Care coordination and community outreach interventions showed decreased healthcare costs

Asare [65]

Social determinants and cancer disparities


Narrative review

• Social and economic factors may negatively affect minority patients’ ability to participate in cancer research

• Lack of accessible transportation can restrict access to health and cancer care

• Exposure to discrimination may lead to mistrust of elements of this society and suspicion of healthcare systems

• The social determinants of health framework posits that all social and economic constructs are interrelated

Bailey [4]

Structural racism and health inequities


Narrative review

• Most studies on racism and health have focused on interpersonal racial/ethnic discrimination, with comparatively less emphasis on investigating the health effects of structural racism

• Structural racism involves interconnected institutions, whose linkages are historically rooted and culturally reinforced

Promising approaches include:

• Use of a focused external force that acts on multiple sectors at once (e.g., place-based multisector initiatives such as Promise Neighborhoods)

• Disruption of leverage points within a sector that might have ripple effects in the system (e.g., reforming drug policy and reducing excessive incarceration)

Dendup [66]

Environmental risk for type 2 diabetes


Systematic review

• Walkability, air pollution, food and physical activity environment, and roadways proximity were the most common environmental characteristics studied

• Higher levels of walkability and green space were associated with lower risk of type 2 diabetes

• Increased levels of noise and air pollution were associated with greater risk

Suleman [67]

Xenophobia and health


Scoping review

• Among individuals living with HIV, xenophobia is a barrier to medical service access

• Xenophobia is associated with higher rates of mental health outcomes (e.g., depression, chronic anxiety, psychoses)

Thomson [39]

Health policies and inequalities


Umbrella review of systematic reviews

• Results were mixed across the public health domains

• Some policy interventions were shown to reduce health inequalities (e.g., food subsidy programs, immunizations)

• Some policy interventions had no effect

• Some interventions appear to increase inequalities (e.g., 20 mph and low emission zones)

Naik [38]

Macroeconomic determinants of health inequalities


Review of systematic reviews

• Policies to promote employment and improve working conditions can improve health and reduce gender-based health inequities

• Market regulation of tobacco, alcohol, and food was effective at improving health and reducing inequities (rates of smoking, alcohol use, healthy food consumption)

• Privatization of utilities and alcohol sectors, income inequality, and economic crises increase health inequities

Martinez-Cardoso [68]

Social determinants of diabetes management


Narrative review

• Diabetes management and care is deterred by housing precarity, food insecurity, poverty, uninsurance and underinsurance, and limited support for immigrants in healthcare systems

• Interventions to address diabetes require a more upstream approach to mitigate the drivers of diabetes disparities among immigrants