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Table 1 Measures, sources, and tool frequency

From: NIATx-TI versus typical product training on e-health technology implementation: a clustered randomized controlled trial study protocol


Measure source

Data source/frequency

Descriptive statistics:

 Organizational traits: admissions, rural v. urban

N-SSATS [72]

IDPH—Months 7, 20, 32

 Patient/counselor traits: age, gender, ethnicity, and level of education (counselor only)

TEDS [73]

IDPH—Months 3-7, 20, 32

REACH: (a) % who create a RISE-Iowa account and (b) frequency of use in days

Gustafson [22]

RISE-Iowa server and IDPH—monthly, Months 8-44


 finance resource availability;

Klein [66];

Organizational survey—Months 7, 20, 32;

 organization change management (OCM)

Gustafson [46]

Organizational and staff survey—Months 7, 20, 32

Adoption: % counselor using RISE-Iowa

Knight et al. [71]

Organizational survey and RISE-Iowa server—Months 7, 20, 32

Effectiveness: retention (length of stay)

Simpson et al. [69]

IDPH—monthly, Months 8-44