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Table 4 Behavior change techniques and number of interventions targeting health care consumers and included specific behavior change techniques, behavior change techniques taxonomy volume 1 (BCTTv1) hierarchical clusters, and intervention content examples

From: Public target interventions to reduce the inappropriate use of medicines or medical procedures: a systematic review


BCTTv1 hierarchical clusters

Examples extracted from descriptions of the interventions


3.1 Social support (unspecified)

3. Social support

Educational programs for husbands of pregnant women that aimed to provide social support of husbands, which consequently reduces the rate of elective cesarean section.


3.3 Social support (emotional)

3. Social support

A resource person will provide peer influence during decision making process about mode of delivery


4.1 Instruction on how to perform the behavior

4. Shaping knowledge

Information about when antibiotics are and are not needed (e.g., rarely for bronchitis, not for colds).


4.2 Information about Antecedents

4. Shaping knowledge

Information about bacterial and viral infections


5.1 Information about health consequences

5. Natural consequences

Information about bacterial resistance or side effects of antibiotic use


5.2 Salience of consequences

5. Natural consequences

Emphasis on the consequences inappropriate use of antibiotics (e.g., antimicrobial resistance or side effects of antibiotic use)


6.1 Demonstration of the behavior

6. Comparison of behavior

Role play education to reduce the fear of childbirth


8.2 Behavior substitution

8. Repetition and substitution

Alternative remedies instead of antibiotics for colds


9.1 Credible source

9. Comparison of outcomes

Endorsement by CDC was designed to increase the credibility of key messages.


9.2 Pros and cons

9. Comparison of outcomes

Information about the differences between generic and brand-name drugs in terms of advantages (high-quality bioequivalent formulations, health professionals’ preferences, avoidance of confusions) and disadvantages (popularity, fidelity to branded products)


10.1 Material incentive (behavior)

10. Reward and threat

Switching to a lower-cost generic medication is cost-saving


10.2 Material reward (behavior)

10. Reward and threat

Associated cost savings to the recipient from switching to each of these alternatives


12.1 Restructuring the physical environment

12. Antecedents

Restriction on sale of antibiotics without prescription


12.2 Restructuring the social environment

12. Antecedents

Interventions focused on empirically supported family risk and protective factors, such as parental nurturing, child management skills, improved parent–adolescent communication skills and adolescent prosocial skill development (e.g., managing conflict and stress, handling peer pressure, developing positive friendships)


12.5 Adding objects to the environment

12. Antecedents

Mass media strategies were undertaken including advertising using billboards, television, radio, and magazines.