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Table 2 Data collected for process evaluation

From: Process evaluation of a complex intervention to optimize quality of prescribing in nursing homes (COME-ON study)

Aspects evaluated


Data collection method

1. Blended training: e-learning + interdisciplinary workshops


Who (which HCP) participated in which aspects of the training (e-learning course and workshops)

(Qt) Automatic recording of participation on the e-learning platform—attendance form for workshops

 Mechanism of impact

Satisfaction (according to levels 1 and 2 of the Kirkpatrick model)

(Qt) Satisfaction survey

Perceived effect on ICCs (Qt)

(Ql) Multidisciplinary focus groups

2. Local interdisciplinary meetings


Number of LIM sessions, number and types of participants, duration, level of consensus reached, etc.)

(Qt) Form filled in by the CP or (head) nurse after each LC

 Mechanism of impact

Experiences and opinions of participants, satisfaction, perceived benefits (e.g., impact on ICCs, impact on the use of the therapeutic formulary, etc.)

(Ql) Multidisciplinary focus groups

 Contextual factors

Factors influencing the implementation and the perceived impact of LIMs

(Ql) Multidisciplinary focus groups

3. Interdisciplinary case conferences


Number of ICCs, number and types of participants, duration, DRPs identified and discussed, etc.

(Qt) Electronic form filled in by the HCPs on the web application after each ICC

 Mechanism of impact

Experiences and opinions of participants, satisfaction, perceived benefits (e.g., impact on medication use, on NHRs, etc.)

(Ql) Multidisciplinary focus groups

 Contextual factors

Factors influencing the implementation and the perceived impact of ICCs

Views on implementation on a larger scale in Belgium

(Ql) Multidisciplinary focus groups

  1. CP: coordinating physician, DRP: drug-related problem, HCPs: healthcare professionals, ICCs: interdisciplinary case conferences, LIMs: local interdisciplinary meetings, NHs: nursing homes, NHRs: nursing home residents, Ql: qualitative data, Qt: quantitative data