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Table 2 Item scores

From: Updated clinical guidelines experience major reporting limitations


Updated CGs reporting each item n (%)

Presentation of the updated clinical guideline

 Item 1: The updated version can be distinguished from the previous version of the clinical guideline.

60 (100)

 Item 2: The rationale for updating the clinical guideline is reported.

37 (61.7)

 Item 3: Changes in the scope and purpose between the update and the previous version are described and justified.

34 (56.7)

 Item 4: The sections reviewed in the updating process are described.

40 (66.7)

 Item 5: Recommendations are clearly presented and labelled as new, modified, or not changed. Deleted recommendations are clearly noted.

16 (26.7)

 Item 6: Changes in recommendations are reported and justified.

23 (38.3)

Editorial independence

 Item 7: The panel participants in the updated version are described.

57 (95.0)

 Item 8: Disclosures of interest of the group responsible for the updated version are recorded.

58 (96.7)

 Item 9: The role of the funding body for the updated version is identified and described.

30 (50.0)

Methodology of the updating process

 Item 10: The methods used for searching and identifying new evidence in the updating process are described.

49 (81.7)

 Item 11: The methods used for evidence selection in the updating process are described.

47 (78.3)

 Item 12: The methods used to assess the quality of the included evidence in the updating process are described.

46 (76.7)

 Item 13: The methods used for evidence synthesis in the updating process are described.

28 (46.7)

 Item 14: The methods used for external review of the updated version are described.

23 (38.3)

 Item 15: The methods and plan for implementing the changes of the updated version in practice are described.

23 (38.3)

 Item 16: The plan and methods for updating the new version in the future are reported.

24 (40.0)

  1. One guideline is rated as not applicable