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Table 1 The main approaches to the study of technology uptake

From: What hinders the uptake of computerized decision support systems in hospitals? A qualitative study and framework for implementation

Theoretical approach

Disciplinary roots

Example of theories



Ergonomics, Human Factors Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction, Information System

Usability [49, 50], Task Technology Fit [51], GOMS models [52]

The use and spread of a new technology depends on the usability and learnability of the technology itself. Understanding the interactions between technology and its end users is key to improve usability.

Technology acceptance

Cognitive-Behavioral Psychology, Behavioral Theories

Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) [26], TAM2 [27], Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) [28]

Focuses on the predictors of individuals’ intention to adopt a technology. Technology acceptance is determined by (a) users’ perceived usefulness (degree to which a person believes that using a technology would enhance job performance); (b) users’ perceived ease of use (degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would be free from effort). Subsequent models introduced social influence as further determinant of technology acceptance.

Organizational theories

Organizational and management studies, Organizational Psychology, Organizational Development

Organizational justice [53], Leadership theories [54], Organizational culture [55]

Focuses on the organizational barriers and facilitators to the uptake and spread of technologies, such as the integration of technologies into existing systems and workflow, management commitment to the new technology, the presence of a structured program for implementation, the presence and quality of training.

Practice theories

Sociology, Anthropology, Social Psychology, Philosophy

Normalization Process Theory [56], Technological sense-making [57, 58], Sociotechnical Systems [59], Actor Network Theory [60], Communities of Practice [46]

Technology adoption and spread is conceived as a social practice, constantly produced and re-produced through people’s actions-in-context. What people do (e.g., technology adoption) is informed both by what they know about a certain technology and their situated local judgments about the meaning of such technology in their (social and material) context.