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Table 3 Typical Levels of Evaluation Required when Population and/or Delivery System Change

From: “Scaling-out” evidence-based interventions to new populations or new health care delivery systems




(mean, regression from Fig. 1)








Type I Scaling-Out: Population fixed, different delivery system

Implementation Fidelity (a, α)

Intervention Fidelity (b, β)

Reach (c, γ)

Adoption (a, α)

Sustainment (a, α)

Health Outcome (d, e, δ)

a = 1–2, α = 0

b = 1–2, β = 0

c = 1, γ = 0

a = 1, α = 0

a = 1, α = 0

d, e = 0, δ = 0

a = 2, α = 0

b = 1–2, β = 0

c = 1, γ = 0

a = 2, α = 0

a = 2, α = 0

d, e = 0, δ = 0



Type II Scaling-Out: Delivery System Fixed, different population

Type III Scaling-Out: Different Population and Delivery System

Implementation Fidelity (a, α)

Intervention Fidelity (b, β)

Reach (c, γ)

Adoption (a, α)

Sustainment (a, α)

Health Outcome (d, e, δ)

a = 1,2, α = 0

b = 1–2, β = 0

c = 2, γ = 0

a = 1, α = 0

a = 1, α = 0

d, e = 0, δ = 0

a = 2, α = 1–2

b = 2, β = 1–2

c = 2, γ = 0

a = 1, α = 0

a = 1, α = 0

d, e = 2–3, δ = 0–3

  1. Notes: Refer to Fig. 1 for definitions of Greek and Roman symbols