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Table 2 Proportions of clients reporting receipt of preventive care at baseline and follow-up, by group and overall

From: Increasing the provision of preventive care by community healthcare services: a stepped wedge implementation trial


Group 1

Group 2

Group 3


Baseline (n = 384)

Follow-up (n = 1121)

Baseline (n = 758)

Follow-up (n = 672)

Baseline (n = 1235)

Follow-up (n = 219)

Baseline (n = 2377)

Follow-up (n = 2012)



234 (61%)

829 (74%)

375 (49%)

482 (72%)

786 (64%)

164 (75%)

1395 (59%)

1475 (73%)

 Fruit and vegetable

135 (35%)

633 (56%)

202 (27%)

370 (55%)

403 (33%)

101 (46%)

740 (31%)

1104 (55%)


199 (52%)

761 (68%)

308 (41%)

433 (64%)

668 (54%)

152 (69%)

1175 (49%)

1346 (67%)

 Physical Activity

192 (50%)

697 (62%)

349 (46%)

396 (59%)

630 (51%)

141 (65%)

1171 (49%)

1234 (61%)

 All risks combined

96 (25%)

484 (43%)

125 (16%)

252 (38%)

267 (22%)

80 (37%)

488 (21%)

816 (41%)

Brief advicea


43 (74%)

142 (79%)

37 (46%)

84 (86%)

109 (62%)

23 (79%)

189 (60%)

249 (81%)

 Fruit and/or vegetable

79 (25%)

305 (41%)

108 (19%)

176 (41%)

246 (26%)

56 (36%)

433 (24%)

537 (41%)


18 (19%)

96 (33%)

28 (17%)

53 (39%)

95 (34%)

18 (39%)

141 (26%)

167 (35%)

 Physical Activity

40 (40%)

142 (52%)

66 (40%)

76 (54%)

168 (48%)

30 (68%)

274 (45%)

248 (54%)

 All applicable risks combined

71 (21%)

299 (33%)

102 (16%)

185 (36%)

236 (22%)

59 (32%)

409 (20%)

543 (34%)



7 (12%)

49 (27%)

92 (11%)

30 (31%)

25 (14%)

5 (17%)

41 (13%)

84 (27%)

 Fruit and/or vegetable

36 (11%)

118 (16%)

56 (10%)

64 (15%)

134 (14%)

37 (24%)

226 (12%)

219 (17%)


3 (3%)

16 (5%)

6 (4%)

8 (6%)

14 (5%))

2 (4%)

23 (4%)

26 (6%)

 Physical Activity

10 (10%)

52 (19%)

26 (16%)

26 (19%)

59 (17%)

13 (30%)

95 (16%)

91 (20%)

 Referral for all relevant risks

19 (5%)

78 (9%)

34 (5%)

50 (10%)

95 (9%)

28 (15%)

148 (7%)

156 (10%)

  1. aLimited to those who were at risk for relevant behaviour(s)