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Table 2 Summary of quantitative data elements

From: Evaluation of the Tsima community mobilization intervention to improve engagement in HIV testing and care in South Africa: study protocol for a cluster randomized trial



Data source and frequency

Primary exposure



Village of residence (binary; intervention vs. control village)


Primary outcomes


Testing uptake (aim 1)

Binary: tested/untested past 12 months, among HIV-negative or unknown status residents

Electronic health facility records-ongoing


Binary: known HIV status–either confirmed positive or tested within the last 12 months

Electronic health facility records-ongoing

Linkage to HIV care (aim 2)

Binary: received baseline CD4 results and evidence of follow-up care (additional CD4, viral load, or treatment initiation) within 3 months of testing HIV positive

Electronic health facility records-ongoing

Binary: treatment initiation within 3 months of positive diagnosis among those eligible for ART

Electronic health facility records-ongoing

Retention in HIV care (aim 3)

Binary: HIV patients on or initiating ART who have no more than a 90-day gap in medication received in the 12-month period (no defaulting).

Electronic health facility records-ongoing

Binary: HIV patients not ART eligiblea who have a repeat CD4 test 6–12 months after initial CD4

Electronic health facility records-ongoing



Community mobilization

Six domains of community mobilization measure [53]

Population-based surveys (years 1 and 5)




Age, SES, gender, migration status


Social norms

Stigma [81]; gender norms [41]; community support for HIV testing and treatment [53]

Population-based surveys (years 1 and 5)

Secondary outcomes


Testing (aim 1)

Median CD4 of people initiating ART (to explore earlier testing, entry into care)

Electronic health facility records-ongoing

Re-engagement in care (aims 2 and 3)

Patients out of care (not retained) who are re-engaged in care (have a CD4 test/initiate or re-initiate treatment).

Electronic health facility records-ongoing

Viral suppression

Proportion of residents with viral load <400 copies/ml

Electronic health facility records-ongoing

Secondary exposure


Intervention coverage

Reported exposure to intervention events

Population-based surveys (years 1 and 5)

  1. aPrior to September 2016, patients were considered ART eligible with one or more of the following criteria: pregnancy, CD4 count lower than 500 cells/mm [3], active tuberculosis, WHO stage 3 or 4, or initiation of ART per clinician discretion. Universal treatment was planned to be instituted in September 2016; therefore, all HIV-positive individuals will be considered treatment eligible after this date; the pre-ART definition will only apply to the period prior to implementation of the universal treatment guidelines