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Table 4 Who is responsible for implementation of clinical research results and do these actors take responsibility?

From: Research funders’ roles and perceived responsibilities in relation to the implementation of clinical research results: a multiple case study of Swedish research funders

Actors identified and perceived responsibility takinga

National public (N = 3)

National private (N = 3)

Local public (N = 4)

Total funding levelsb

1. County Councils

1 funderc

Somewhatd (1 funder)

1 funder

No (1 funder)

1 funder

Somewhat (1 funder)

3 funders

Somewhat (2 funders), No (1 funder)

2. Head of hospital units


1 funder

Yes (1 funder)

2 funders

Yes (1 funder), Somewhat (1 funder)

3 funders

Yes (2 funders), Somewhat (1 funder)

3. Healthcare system

1 funder

Somewhat (1 funder)


1 funder

Somewhat (1 funder)

4. Medical practitioners together with County Councils

1 funder

Somewhat (1 funder)


1 funder

Somewhat (1 funder)

5. Research funders together with the researcher


1 funder

Yes (1 funder)


1 funder

Yes (1 funder)

6. Hospital leadership


1 funder

Yes (1 funder)

1 funder

Yes (1 funder)

Total funderse

3 actors

Somewhat (3 funders)

3 actors

Yes (2 funders), No (1 funder)

3 actors

Somewhat (2 funders), Yes (2 funders)

10 funders

Somewhat (5 funders), No (1 funder), Yes (4 funders)

  1. aOne answer per funder allowed
  2. bSummarizes the total amount of funders suggesting each responsible actor across funding levels (N = 10) and the responsibility alternatives across funding levels where the possible alternatives are “Yes,” “To a certain degree,” and “No.” The amount of funders, regarding each responsibility alternative, is given in brackets
  3. cThe amount of funders within funding levels suggesting each responsible actor is indicated, followed by views on responsibility taking and the amount of funders indicating each view, which is given in brackets
  4. dSomewhat stands for “To a certain degree”
  5. eSummarizes the amount of identified actors by funders and responsibility alternatives vertically for funders within each funding level. The amount of funders, regarding each responsibility alternative, is given in brackets