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Table 3 Perinatal and maternal and child health outcome data collected six monthly (2014–2017)

From: Bridging the Gap: using an interrupted time series design to evaluate systems reform addressing refugee maternal and child health inequalities

Maternity hospitals

Maternal and Child Health services

Socio-demographic and obstetric characteristics

Socio-demographic and obstetric characteristics

 Maternal country of birth

 Maternal & paternal country of birth

 Year of arrival in Australia

 Year of arrival in Australia

 Maternal date of birth

 Maternal date of birth

 Relationship status

 Infant’s date of birth/age

 Infant’s date of birth

 Parity, plurality, gravidity

 Parity, plurality, gravidity

 Place of birth

 Pre-existing conditions (e.g. female genital cutting, diabetes)


Primary outcome

Primary outcome

 Completion of seven or more antenatal visits

 Attendance at the first seven Key Ages and Stages visits

Secondary outcomes

Secondary outcomes

 Antenatal visit in the first trimester (<14 weeks)

 Registrations at MCH via birth notifications

 Completion of tests for gestational diabetes at <30 weeks’ gestation; outcome of testing

 Completion of immunisations to 12 months

 Completing of other screening tests: anaemia, urinary tract infection, hepatitis B, syphilis, vitamin D

 Identification of developmental or other major health issue

 Discussion of psychosocial issues with hospital staff during pregnancy (i.e. emotional wellbeing; family violence)

 Referral of infant to GP, paediatrician, allied health services

 Induction of labour

 Breastfeeding at 6 weeks and 6 months

 Infant born before arrival at hospital (unplanned)

 Maternal health and wellbeing assessment completed; counselling or referral for mental health issues


 Family violence screen completed; counselling or referral for family violence

 Mode of birth


 Perineal trauma


 Postpartum haemorrhage


 Infant birthweight; gestational age at birth


 Admission to special care nursery or neonatal intensive care unit




 Breastfeeding in hospital


 Length of hospital stay following birth