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Table 2 Details of the qualitative variables studied, their operationalization, and data sources

From: Evaluation of the implementation of centralized waiting lists for patients without a family physician and their effects across the province of Quebec

Physician characteristics

CSSS characteristics

Local context

Sociodemographic profile (age, gender), practice profiles, type of primary care organization, proportion of time devoted to primary care, attitudes toward GACO, motivation for participation

Population focus vs. clientele focus

Integration of the population focus (CSSS leadership and coordination). Sociodemographic characteristics of the population (proportion of elderly persons, proportion of low-income persons/households, etc.), geographic characteristics of the territory (rural, urban, semi-urban)


Leadership and governance: CSSS management team, role of the local family medicine department, organizational priorities

Territorial and interorganizational dynamics (collaboration among organizations)


Resources: CSSS size, number of organizations making up the CSSS

Professional resources in the territory (number of family physicians, number of specialists), characteristics of the professionals in the territory (level of training, types of professionals), number of primary care organizations and prevalent organizational models


Dynamics: Collaboration agreements with clinics in the territory, support for patient management