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Table 3 DCV analysis of the questionnaire

From: Discriminant content validity of a theoretical domains framework questionnaire for use in implementation research






Domain allocation if not classified to right domain (> 1)

D1 Knowledge

Knowledge (3)

I am aware of the content and objectives of [innovation/guideline]




I know the content and objectives of [innovation/guideline]




I am familiar with the content and objectives of [innovation/guideline]




Procedural knowledge (3)

I am aware of how to [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]





I know how to [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]



D1, D2, D4, D14


I am familiar with how to [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]



D1, D2

D2 Skills

Skills (4)

I have been trained how to [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]




I have the proficiency to [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]



D2, D4

I have the skills to [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]




I have practiced [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]




D3 Social/professional role and identity

Professional role (4)

[A] in [C, T] with [Ta] is part of my work as a [profession]




As a [profession], it is my job to [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]




It is my responsibility as a [profession] to [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]




Doing [A] in [C, T] with [Ta] is consistent with my [profession]




D4 Beliefs about capabilities

Self-efficacy (2)

I am confident that I can [A] in [C, T] with [Ta] even when [Ta] is not motivated




I am confident that I can [A] in [C, T] with [Ta] even when there is little time




Perceived behavioral control (4)

I am confident that if I wanted I could [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]




How much control do you have over [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]?



D4, D2, D14

For me, [A] in [C, T] with [Ta] is… (Very difficult – very easy)



D4, D2, D5

For me, [A] in [C, T] with [Ta] is… (Impossible – possible)



D4, D2, D5, D6

D5 Optimism

Optimism (3)

With regard to [A] in [C, T] with [Ta] in uncertain times, I usually expect the best




With regard to [A] in [C, T] with [Ta] I’m always optimistic about the future




With regard to [A] in [C, T] with [Ta] overall, I expect more good things to happen than bad



D5, D6

Pessimism (3)

With regard to [A] in [C, T] with [Ta] if something can go wrong, it will



D5, D4, D6

With regard to [A] in [C, T] with [Ta] I hardly ever expect things to go my way



D5, D4, D6

With regard to [A] in [C, T] with [Ta] I rarely count on good things happening to me



D5, D6

D6 Beliefs about consequences

Attitudes (2)

For me, [A] in [C, T] with [Ta] is… (Useless – useful)



D6, D5

For me, [A] in [C, T] with [Ta] is… (bad – good)



D6, D1, D3

Outcome expectancies (2)

If I [A] in [C, T] with [Ta] it will benefit public health




If I [A] in [C, T] with [Ta] it will have disadvantages for my relationship with [Ta]




D7 Reinforcement

Reinforcement (3)

Whenever I [A] in [C, T] with [Ta], I get financial reimbursement



D7, D6

Whenever I [A] in [C, T] with [Ta], I get recognition from professionals who are important to me



D7, D3, D6, D12

Whenever I [A] in [C, T] with [Ta, I feel like I am making a difference



D7, D4, D6, D13

D8 Intentions

Intention (4)

For how many of the next 10 [Ta] do you intend to [A] in [C]?




I will definitely [A] in [C] with [Ta] in the next [T]




I intend to [A] in [C] with [Ta] in the next [T]




How strong is your intention to [A] with [Ta] in [C] in the next [T]?




D9 Goals

Action planning (4)

I have a clear plan of how I will [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]



D14, D8, D9

I have a clear plan under what circumstances I will [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]



D14, D8, D9

I have a clear plan when I will [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]



D14, D8, D9

I have a clear plan how often I will [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]



D14, D8, D9

Priority (4)

Generally, in [C, T] with [Ta], how often is covering something else on your agenda a higher priority than [A]



D9, D3, D10, D11

Generally, in [C, T] with [Ta], how often does covering something else on your agenda take precedence over [A]



D9, D3, D10, D11

Generally, in [C, T] with [Ta], how often is covering something else on your agenda more urgent than [A]



D9, D3, D10, D11, D14

Generally, in [C, T] with [Ta], how often is covering something else on your agenda more pressing than [A]



D9, D3, D10, D11

D10 Memory, attention and decision processes

Memory (4)

[A] in [C, T] with [Ta] is easy to remember



D10, D1, D4

How often do you forget [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]?




How often do you have to check the [innovation/guideline] before [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]?



D10, D1, D4

To what extent do you know [innovation/guideline] by heart to [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]?




Attention (4)

When I need to concentrate to [A] in [C, T] with [Ta], I have no trouble focusing my attention




When I am working hard on [A] in [C, T] with [Ta], I still get distracted by events around me




When trying to focus my attention on [A] in [C, T] with [Ta], I have difficulty blocking out distracting thoughts




When concentrating on [A] in [C, T] with [Ta], I can focus my attention so that I become unaware of what’s going on around me




D11 Environmental context and resources

Resources/material (8)

[Innovation/guideline] has a good fit with routine practice



D11, D1, D3

[Innovation/guideline] provides the possibility to adapt it to the [Ta]’s needs (e.g., culture)



D11, D3, D6, D12

In the organization I work [A] in [C, T] with [Ta] is routine



D11, D2, D3, D12, D14

In the organization I work there is enough time to [A ] in [C, T] with [Ta]



D11, D3

Within the socio-political context there is sufficient financial support (e.g., from local authorities, insurance companies, the government) for [innovation/guideline]




Within the socio-political context there are good networks between parties involved in [innovation/guideline]




Prior to delivery of [innovation/guideline] professionals are provided with a training to [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]



D11, D2

During the delivery of [innovation/guideline] professionals are provided with sufficient financial reimbursement to [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]



D11, D7

D12 Social influences

Social support (4)

I can rely on the team of professionals with whom I deliver [innovation] when things get tough on [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]



D12, D3, D11

My colleagues are willing to listen to my problems related to [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]



D12, D3, D11

The team of professionals with whom I deliver [innovation] is helpful in getting [A] in [C, T] with [Ta] done



D12, D11

I can rely on my colleagues when things get tough on [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]



D12, D3, D11

Subjective norm (2)

Most people who are important to me think that I should [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]




Most people whose opinion I value would approve me of [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]




Descriptive norm (2)

The team of professionals with whom I deliver [innovation/guideline] [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]



D12, D3, D11

Respected colleagues [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]



D12, D3, D11

D13 Emotion

Affect (2)

Thinking about yourself and how you normally feel as a professional that delivers [innovation/guideline], to what extent do you generally feel inspired with regard to [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]



D13, D3, D14

Thinking about yourself and how you normally feel as a professional that delivers [innovation/guideline], to what extent do you generally feel nervous with regard to [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]



D13, D3, D4

Stress (2)

Have you recently, during the past two weeks been able to enjoy your normal day-to-day activities?




Have you recently, during the past two weeks been feeling unhappy and depressed?




D14 Behavioral regulation

Automaticity (2)

[A] in [C, T] with [Ta] is something I do automatically



D14, D2, D10

[A] in [C, T] with [Ta] is something I do without thinking



D2, D10

Self-monitoring (4)

I keep track of my overall progress towards [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]



D14, D7, D9, D13

I tend to notice my successes while working towards [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]



D14, D9

I am aware of my day-to-day behavior as I work towards [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]



D14, D8, D9, D10

I check regularly whether I am getting closer to attaining [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]



D14, D9

Action planning (4)

I have a clear plan of how I will [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]



D14, D8, D9

I have a clear plan under what circumstances I will [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]



D14, D8, D9

I have a clear plan when I will [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]



D14, D8, D9

I have a clear plan how often I will [A] in [C, T] with [Ta]



D14, D8, D9

  1. Note. [A], action; [C], context; [T], time; [Ta], target; *, significant at .05 level, after false discovery rate controlling procedure for multiple tests; D1, Knowledge; D2, Skills; D3, Social/professional role and identity; D4, Beliefs about capabilities; D5, Optimism; D6, Beliefs about consequences; D7, Reinforcement; D8, Intentions; D9, Goals; D10, Memory, attention, and decision processes; D11, Environmental context and resources; D12, Social influences; D13, Emotion; D14, Behavioral regulation; D, domain the item intended to measure; D, domain the item is systematically allocated to other than the item intended to measure.