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Table 3 Aspects of fidelity in intervention research

From: Tool for evaluating research implementation challenges: A sense-making protocol for addressing implementation challenges in complex research settings

Aspect of Fidelity[18]

Examples of Issues considered


· Is the design consistent with the study theories?

· Are intervention protocols standardized to a specified dose (e.g., number, frequency, and length of contact)?

· Is there a procedure specifying how to handle deviations from the specified treatment condition?

· Is there a procedure for recording related issues in the study database?


· Is there a standardized training protocol that specifies how interventionists are to be trained?

· Is there separate training for interventionists delivering different treatment conditions?

· Is there a plan for training new research team members?

· Is there refresher training if there is more than one wave of recruitment?


· Is there a procedure to ensure that interventions are delivered as intended?

· How will intervention dose be tracked and recorded in the study database?

Receipt of Treatment

· Is there a procedure to measure participant adherence and behavior change?

· Is there a procedure to measure change in knowledge level?

· Is there a procedure for recording receipt-related data in the study database?

Enactment of Skills

· Is there a procedure for systematically assessing participants’ use of new behaviors?

· Is there a procedure for recording enactment-related data in the study database?