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Archived Comments for: A knowledge translation collaborative to improve the use of therapeutic hypothermia in post-cardiac arrest patients: protocol for a stepped wedge randomized trial

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  1. Correction to the sample size description (posted by the authors)

    Katie Dainty, St. Michael's Hospital

    20 August 2015

    Dear Readers,
    We would like to post a correction to the sample size description in the published protocol for our stepped wedge cluster randomized trial ("A knowledge translation collaborative to improve the use of therapeutic hypothermia in post-cardiac arrest patients: protocol for a stepped wedge randomized trial. Implement Sci 2011; Jan 14;6:4¿). This trial will have sufficient power (two-tailed Type I error probability 0.05) of at least 90% to detect an absolute increase of 30% or more in the proportion of patients that are successfully cooled to below 34°C within six hours of hospital arrival, and not a 1% absolute increase as stated. As this was a protocol paper, this typo should not affect the results or conclusions of our final manuscript.

    Katie N Dainty, Damon C Scales, Steve C Brooks, Dale M Needham, Paul Dorian, Niall Ferguson, Gordon Rubenfeld, Randy Wax, Merrick Zwarenstein, Kevin Thorpe and Laurie J Morrison

    Competing interests

    No competing interests to declare.
