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Table 1 Definitions and conceptualizations of sustainability

From: Examining sustainability in a hospital setting: Case of smoking cessation

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Bracht [14]


-sustainability is conceptualized as incorporation--'the maintenance

of specific intervention program types over time, after external funding resources' (p.246)

-measured long-term program maintenance through annual surveys to assess the level of incorporation (e.g., who is operating program, program modifications) of 27 Heart Health intervention programs

Shediac-Rizkallah [16]


-sustainability is likely a matter of degree rather than an 'all or none' phenomenon

- definition must specify what is to be sustained, how or by whom, how much and by when

-presented an organizing framework for conceptualizing and measuring sustainability

O'Loughlin [17]


-permanence: 'At this point in time, how permanent do you think the (intervention) is at (provider)?' (p.704)

-investigated factors related to the perceived sustainability of heart health promotion interventions

Greenhalgh [18]


-'making an innovation routine until it reaches obsolescence.' (p.582)

-summarized an extensive literature review about sustaining innovations in health service delivery

Pluye [19]


-sustainability is a parallel process that occurs at the same time as implementation

- events can be specific to sustainability, specific to implementation, or belong to both sustainability and implementation

-reviewed empirical studies on program sustainability

Scheirer [15]


-three definitions for sustainability: continued program activities; continued program benefits; maintained community capacity

-review of 19 empirical studies on sustainability of health-related programs in Canada and US

LaPelle [20]


-defined levels of program sustainability (i.e., none, low, moderate, and high) based on the extent to which community-based tobacco treatment services were able to continue after program funding was terminated.

-used qualitative analysis of state and community level programs to investigate factors contributing to sustainability of services after defunding

Gruen [21]


- the simplest definition of sustainability is the 'capability of being maintained at a certain rate or level' (p.1580).

-systematically reviewed conceptual frameworks and empirical studies about health program sustainability