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Table 3 Types of decision-making roles (Phase 1 workshop evaluation and online follow-up survey; Phase 2 forum evaluation and online follow-up survey)

From: Talk, trust and time: a longitudinal study evaluating knowledge translation and exchange processes for research on violence against women

Decision-making role

Phase 1: Workshop Evaluation1

(n = 74, 1 missing)

% (n)

Phase 1: Follow-Up Survey2

(n = 33)

% (n)

Phase 2: Forum Evaluation1

(n = 35, 3 missing)

% (n)

Phase 2: Follow-Up Survey2

(n = 16, 5 missing)

% (n)

Clinical care/service delivery decisions

41% (30)

12% (4)

23% (8)


Planning/programming decisions

51% (38)

18% (6)

31% (11)


Administrative decisions

41% (30)

27% (9)

9% (3)

0% (0)

Public policy decisions

19% (14)

15% (5)

17% (6)


Research decisions

4% (3)

9% (3)

14% (5)


Advocacy decisions

32% (24)

3% (1)

14% (5)


Other (write-in)

20% (15)3

15% (5)4

26% (9)5


  1. 1respondents could indicate more than one role; 2respondents were asked to indicate one decision role only 3including, in order of frequency: education and training (of other professionals, or public awareness/outreach); other policy work; funding to implement public policy; 4management and mixed roles re: service, advocacy, research and planning; 5including project management, regulatory, policy recommendations, training, community presentations, policing, funding; 6including education/curriculum, funding, communication and knowledge translation.