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Table 1 Processes to modify the SPIRIT Action Framework for academic-policy engagement interventions

From: A modified action framework to develop and evaluate academic-policy engagement interventions


Modification processes

Identifying the need and scope for framework modification

Attempting practical application of the original framework in the CAPE programme evaluation, identifying elements that did not fit or were missing

Numerous meetings with the CAPE delivery team throughout the programme.

Engaging with stakeholders in academia and policy to identify further missing elements.

Identifying relevant theories or models for missing elements

Targeted literature searches relating to misfitting and missing elements, particularly on behaviour change and literature on engagement actions internationally.

Combining the new elements into a modified action framework

Development of the relevant framework dimensions by integrating theories or models (i) into discrete elements and (ii) within the flow of the modified framework.

Integrating stakeholder feedback

Presentation of components of the modified framework to stakeholders in academic policy engagement (two workshops, covering broad areas of knowledge mobilisation) and academics in the field of health policy engagement (one conference paper). Comments sought on appropriateness and utility.

Piloting and refining the modified framework

Application to empirical data in the CAPE programme evaluation to assess functionality, followed by refinement of the new elements.

Testing against existing criteria for useful action frameworks

Assessment ofthe modified framework by the team, against four criteria: (i) clear purpose, (ii) informed by existing understandings, (iii) capable of guiding targeted interventions, (iv) a structure to build knowledge [20]. The manuscript including the modified framework was also reviewed by colleagues at the Sax Institute, Australia where the SPIRIT framework was originally developed.