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Table 2 Overview of QUM service to RACFs

From: Evidence-based Medication knowledge Brokers in Residential Aged CarE (EMBRACE): protocol for a helix-counterbalanced randomised controlled trial



Key take-home messages

Guideline introduction

Introduction to the Guidelines, including the companion guide, medication factsheets and curated inventory of existing resources

Understand the background of the Guidelines, terminology used within the Guidelines and scope of the Guidelines

Education activity


Each education activity will begin with a brief overview on the use of the psychotropic medication in people living with dementia and changed behaviours

Attendees will work through a case study in small groups. Attendees will present their case study answers, and the facilitator will support group discussion. The facilitator will end the education activity with a brief conclusion of the key take-home messages

Each component of the education activity will include interactive components to promote group discussion

The initiation education activity takes staff through the risks and benefits of the psychotropic medication for people living with dementia. It teaches nurses and aged care staff the steps they should take prior to considering initiation of the psychotropic medication

Adverse events and monitoring

The adverse events and monitoring education activity reviews some key adverse events of the psychotropic medication and teaches nurses and aged care staff monitoring requirements for the psychotropic medication


The discontinuation education activity teaches nurses and aged care staff when discontinuation should be considered for the psychotropic medication and monitoring requirements during the discontinuation process

  1. Abbreviations: RACF, residential aged care facility; QUM, quality use of medicine