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Table 1 HMS hospital characteristics, n = 69 hospitals

From: Protocol for a parallel cluster randomized trial of a participatory tailored approach to reduce overuse of antibiotics at hospital discharge: the ROAD home trial

Bed size; median (IQR)

277 (169–381.5)

Rurality; n (%)

 Metropolitan (RUCC 1–3)

55 (80%)


14 (20%)

  Somewhat rural (RUCC 4–6)

7 (10%)

  Very rural (RUCC 7–9)

7 (10%)

Leader of antibiotic stewardship program; n (%)a

 ID physician and ID pharmacist

30 (43%)


39 (56%)

  ID physician OR ID pharmacist

34 (49%)

  Neither ID-trained

5 (7%)

ID availability; n (%)a

 Onsite daily

45 (65%)

 Onsite occasionally

10 (14%)

 Remote only (phone or virtual)

8 (12%)


6 (9%)

Minority serving populations; median (IQR)

18.1% (8.7%–35.6%)

Safety net populations; median (IQR)

8.1% (5.3%–11.7%)

Baseline number of ROAD Home interventions; median (IQR)a,b


15 (11–18)


27 (20–32)

Baseline number of discharge-specific interventions; n (%)a


35 (51%)


25 36%)

 ≥ 2

9 (13%)

Part of system; n (%)


16 (23%)


48 (70%)


5 (7%)

Electronic medical record vendor


35 (51%)


21 (30%)


12 (17%)

 Not reported

1 (1%)

  1. HMS Michigan Hospital Medicine Safety Consortium, RUCC Rural–urban continuum code, ID Infectious diseases, IQR Interquartile range, ROAD Reducing overuse of antibiotics at hospital discharge
  2. aData element ascertained through HMS annual survey
  3. bWeighting refers to the point value given to each intervention in use (each Tier 1 intervention = 1 point, each Tier 2 intervention = 2 points, each Tier 3 intervention = 3 points)