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Table 5 Recommendations to responsibly and optimally use AI in implementation research

From: Leveraging artificial intelligence to advance implementation science: potential opportunities and cautions

Build effective transdisciplinary teams

That includes AI and IS expertise and representation of other perspectives, including other expertise, patients, community members, caregivers, staff

Have a creative mindset

AI presents a new opportunity to innovate. Think and act creatively while being cautious of pitfalls

Be audacious, humble, and persistent

Explore the potential of AI while anticipating things might go wrong and planning for iterations to check your work and correct course

Insist on and monitor equity

Evaluate and advocate for the representation of perspectives and datasets as well as representativeness of outcomes

“Fail early, fail often, but always fail forward”a

Be iterative to improve, including sustainability and equity

Conduct rapid learning

AI and IS are changing rapidly. Establish a process for staying up-to-date on the latest developments affecting their integration

  1. AI artificial intelligence, IS implementation science
  2. aQuotation attributed to John C. Maxwell