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Table 1 Overview of the seminars and main aims of the seminars

From: Tailored implementation of national recommendations on fall prevention among older adults in municipalities in Norway (FALLPREVENT trial): a study protocol for a cluster-randomised trial


Main aim

Leadership seminar

Provide knowledge on fall prevention and implementation and further the manager’s role in implementing evidence-based fall prevention

Start-up seminar

Provide knowledge on fall prevention and implementation

Provide knowledge on evaluating current practice, adapting evidence-based knowledge on fall prevention to local context, and conducting a stakeholder analysis

Follow-up seminar digital

Provide knowledge on determinants (barriers and facilitators) for implementation of national recommendations on fall prevention, goal setting, and ways of monitoring changes

Follow-up seminar

Provide knowledge on linking determinants and implementation strategies, and further implementation activities

Final seminar—evaluation

Share knowledge and experiences of conducting the implementation intervention

Provide knowledge on the sustainability of interventions