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Table 1 Characteristics of prescribers by PSS adoption status at PSS initiation

From: Influence of physician networks on the implementation of pharmaceutical alternatives to a toxic drug supply in British Columbia


PSS innovators (n = 228)

Early PSS adopters (n = 1062)

PSS non-adoptersa (n = 12847)

Practice characteristics

N (%)

 Primary HA practice location


14 (6.1%)

165 (15.5%)

1938 (15.1%)


31 (13.6%)

199 (18.7%)

3178 (24.7%)

  Vancouver Coastal

138 (60.5%)

387 (36.4%)

4392 (34.2%)

  Vancouver Island

40 (17.5%)

215 (20.2%)

2258 (17.6%)


 < 10b

86 (8.1%)

590 (4.6%)

  Missing (8 or 9)

 < 10b

10 (0.9%)

491 (3.8%)

 Prescriber speciality

  Nurse practitioner

32 (14.4%)

88 (8.3%)

516 (4.0%)

  General practice

175 (76.8%)

726 (68.4%)

7005 (54.5%)


 ≤ 10b

109 (10.3%)

530 (4.1%)

  Known but other specialties

 ≤ 10b

68 (6.4%)

3411 (26.6%)

  Unknown (physician)

 ≤ 10b

71 (6.7%)

1385 (10.8%)

 OAT prescriber

207 (90.8%)

799 (75.2%)

3838 (29.9%)

 Discontinued as of end of follow-up

62 (27.2%)

673 (63.4%)


Network characteristics

Median (1st quartile-3rd quartile)

 Number of connected physicians

29 (17–49)

16 (9–27)

3 (1–8)

 Total sum of all shared clients

73 (40–118)

22 (11–47)

4 (1–9)

 Proportion of connected physicians that prescribed PSS

0.34 (0.18–0.46)

0.38 (0.22–0.59)

0.13 (0–0.33)

 Weighted proportion of PSS prescribers

0.50 (0.26–0.65)

0.44 (0.25–0.68)

0.11 (0–0.33)

 Proportion of connected physicians that are also connected

0.15 (0.10–0.22)

0.19 (0.11–0.31)

0.14 (0–0.36)

 Number of additional physicians their average clients saw

1.2 (0.9–1.7)

1.1 (0.8–1.8)

1.0 (0.5–1.5)

 Degree centrality

0.20 (0.12–0.30)

0.08 (0.05–0.03)

0.02 (0.01–0.04)

SUD prescribing history

 Years since first billing record for a client with SUD

8.2 (4.3–17.2)

7.9 (3.1–18.2)

10.0 (3.7–21.7)

SUD client caseload

 SUD client load

63 (34–99)

21 (8–43)

3 (1–9)

 Mean clients’ years since SUD diagnosis

12.2 (10.4–13.9)

11.8 (9.9–13.6)

12.0 (8.5–15.0)

 Treated a client with a COVID-19 diagnosis

 < 10b

79 (7.4%)

386 (3.0%)

 Percent clients with a CCI of 1 or higher

8.7 (5.1–13.1)

7.7 (2.4–14.3)

0 (0–21.1)

 Percent clients with a CDS over 4

1.3 (0–2.9)

0 (0–2.9)

0 (0–0)

 Percentage of clients prescribed benzos

10.0 (5.6–15.9)

14.3 (6.5–24.2)

0 (0–20.4)

 Percentage of clients accessing social assistance during past 12 months

77.2 (62.1–84.4)

51.8 (36.1–71.4)

20.8 (0–50.0)

 Percentage of clients experienced an overdose 12 months prior

1.7 (0–3.8)

0 (0–3.0)

0 (0–0)

  1. Abbreviations: PSS prescribed safer supply, HA health authority, OAT opioid agonist treatment, SUD non-opioid substance use disorder, OUD opioid use disorder, CCI Charlson comorbidity index
  2. aMeasured at end of follow-up (August 2021)
  3. bDue to data sharing agreement, cell sizes < 10 are supressed