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Table 2 Outcome measure descriptions and data collection procedures

From: Addressing COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in rural community pharmacies: a protocol for a stepped wedge randomized clinical trial





Primary outcome


Degree to which the vaccine hesitancy counseling intervention was delivered as intended

Fidelity Checklist that assesses adherence and competence to vaccine hesitancy counseling intervention. Each pharmacist assessed twice per month.

Interviews with pharmacy personnel

Secondary outcome


The proportion of vaccine-hesitant individuals who vaccinate after receiving hesitancy counseling

Monthly report completed by pharmacy designee using web-based reporting system

Interviews with pharmacy personnel

Other measures


Stakeholder perceptions regarding satisfaction with and appeal of the vaccine hesitancy intervention and implementation approaches

4-item measure completed by pharmacy personnel at end of standard and virtual facilitation approach [95]

Semi-structured interviews with pharmacy personnel


How often vaccine hesitancy counseling was offered to hesitant individuals

Monthly report completed by pharmacy designee using web-based reporting system


Stakeholder perceptions regarding fit and suitability of the vaccine hesitancy intervention and implementation approaches

4-item measure completed by pharmacy personnel at end of standard and virtual facilitation approach [95]


Stakeholder perceptions regarding ease and “do-ability” of the vaccine hesitancy intervention and implementation approaches

4-item measure completed by pharmacy personnel at the end of the standard and virtual facilitation approach [95]

Organizational Structure and Context

Key structural aspects of pharmacy (e.g., size/staffing) and organizational capacity for change

Structure survey completed by one pharmacist before randomization; context survey completed by ≥ 5 pharmacy personnel



Continued measurement of fidelity, effectiveness, and uptake during the “follow-up” periods

See above entries for fidelity, effectiveness, and uptake


Costs associated with deployment of each implementation approach.

Log of time and activities completed monthly by facilitator [93]

  1. aQualitative data will be collected two months after the end of the virtual facilitation period with 2 high performing and 2 low performing pharmacies per block