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Table 3 Data extraction frameworks

From: Knowledge translation strategies to support the sustainability of evidence-based interventions in healthcare: a scoping review

Review question

Data extraction category

Tool or framework


1. What KT strategies have been used to facilitate the sustainability of EBIs in institutional healthcare settings within peer-reviewed publications?

KT strategy description

Clustered ERIC taxonomy [46]

The ERIC taxonomy consists of 73 distinct knowledge translation with definitions, which has been used to understand the operationalization of implementation strategies [32]. Waltz and colleagues conducted a categorization and strategy ratings of importance and feasibility for the strategies and put them into 9 broad clusters, which will be used for this review: (1) use of evaluative and iterative strategies; (2) provide interactive assistance; (3) adapt and tailor to context; (4) develop stakeholder interrelationships; (5) train and educate stakeholders; (6) support clinicians; (7) engage consumers; (8) utilize financial strategies; (9) change infrastructure. We coded the KT strategies based on descriptions of these 9 broad categories.

2. How have KT strategies been used to facilitate the sustainability of EBIs in institutional healthcare settings?

KT strategy description

AIMD Framework [47]

(1) Aims: what do you want your intervention to achieve and for whom? (2) Ingredients: what comprises the intervention? (3) Mechanisms: how do you propose the intervention will work? and (4) Delivery: how will you deliver the intervention?

3. What KT strategy outcomes are reported in the included studies?

KT strategy outcomes

10 implementation outcomes [39]

Acceptability, adoption, appropriateness, feasibility, fidelity, implementation cost, intervention complexity, penetration, reach, and sustainability [39].

4. What sustainability outcomes of the EBI are reported in the included studies?

Sustainability outcomes of the EBI

9 categories of sustainability outcomes [34, 48]

1. Benefits for patients, staff, and stakeholders continue, 2. EBI activities or components of the intervention continue, 3. Maintenance of relationships, partnerships, or networks, 4. Maintenance of new procedures, and policies, 5. Attention and awareness of the problem or issue is continued or increased and 6. Replication, roll-out, or scale-up of the EBI, 7. Capacity built within staff, stakeholders, and communities continues, 8. Adaptation of the EBI in response to new evidence or contextual influences and 9. Gaining further funds to continue the EBI and maintain improvements