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Table 3 Changes in proportion of services implementing each of the healthy eating and physical activity policies and practices over time by group

From: Effectiveness of an intervention to facilitate the implementation of healthy eating and physical activity policies and practices in childcare services: a randomised controlled trial


Intervention group n = 62

Control group n = 60


Baseline n (%)

Follow-up n (%)

Baseline n (%)

Follow-up n (%)

p value

1. Presence of written nutrition and physical activity policies

42 (68)

60 (97)

35 (58)

51 (85)


2. Staff monitoring of children’s lunchboxes against written nutritional guidelines and provision of feedback to parents when a non-compliant food is packeda

48 (81)

46 (78)

45 (79)

46 (81)


3. Provision of water or reduced fat milk only to children

52 (84)

57 (91)

54 (90)

53 (88)


4. Staff role modelling of physically active play and healthy eating every day

54 (87)

51 (82)

48 (80)

48 (80)


5. Staff provision of prompts and positive comments to children to encourage physical activity and healthy eating every day

58 (94)

54 (87)

56 (93)

52 (87)


6. Provision of adult-guided fundamental movement skill development activities every day to at least 75 % of children

43 (69)

50 (81)

44 (73)

35 (58)


7. Restriction of sedentary screen time to less than weekly

57 (92)

58 (94)

54 (90)

55 (92)


  1. aExcludes six services (three intervention and three control) that began providing on-site meals to children following the commencement of the intervention