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Table 3 Fidelity scores

From: Peering into the black box: a meta-analysis of how clinicians use decision aids during clinical encounters


AMI choice

Chest pain choice

Decision aids for diabetes (DAD)

Diabetes medication choice

Osteoporosis choice


Fidelity scorea

61.0 (57.5, 64.5)

52.4 (47.1, 57.6)

62.8 (51.1, 74.6)

64.6 (56.3, 72.9)

63.8 (58.2, 69.3)

58.5 (55.5, 61.5)

Information componenta

65.7 (57.3, 74.1)

52.4 (47.1, 57.6)

39.1 (23.8, 54.5)

54.6 (44.1, 65.0)

63.8 (58.2, 69.3)

55.6 (52.1, 59.0)

Decision making process componentsa

61.3 (56.7, 65.9)

63.3 (58.9, 67.6)

68.1 (58.4, 77.9)

62.1 (53.4, 70.9)

61.2 (54.6, 67.8)

62.9 (60.2, 65.7)

Eliciting values/preferencesb

0 (0)

18 (18)

12 (52)

25 (89)

7 (14)

62 (27)

Fidelity groupingb,c

10 (32)

47 (48)

12 (52)

13 (46)

27 (55)

109 (47)

  1. aPercentage of fidelity items addressed in the encounter; Mean (95% CI), unadjusted scores.
  2. bCount of encounters with behavior/meeting criteria (%).
  3. c66% or more of fidelity items exhibited within the encounter.