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Table 2 Description of the five study behaviors, definition and mean (SD) rates of performing the objective measures of these behaviors, mean (SD) simulated behavior scores and mean (SD) intention scores

From: Explaining clinical behaviors using multiple theoretical models

Study Behaviors

Objective measures of behavior

Mean (SD) rates of behavior

Simulated behavior Mean (SD) scenario scores (out of 5)

Intention Mean (SD) (out of 7)

General Dental

Taking Dental Radiographs: Taking small or medium intra-oral radiographs (not for orthodontic reasons)

Number of intra oral radiographs taken per course of treatment Data obtained from a national fee claims database used for paying dental practitioners

20.3 (9.0) radiographs per 100 courses of treatment

Would take 2.4 (1.2) radiographs

4.8 (1.3)

Performing Dental Restorations: The use of restorations in managing caries in permanent teeth in children (patients under 17 years of age)

Number of restorations per 100 courses of treatment Data obtained from a national fee claims database used for paying dental practitioners.

10.4 (4.3) restorations per 100 courses of treatment

Would restore in 2.9 (1.1) cases

4.9 (1.1)

Placing Fissure Sealants: Placing a fissure sealant in a 6 to 16 year old patient

Unable to reliably measure behavior given the target age group


Would place fissure sealants for 2.03 (1.54) cases

4.9 (1.2)

General Medical

Managing URTIs Without Prescribing Antibiotics: Managing patients presenting with an upper respiratory tract infection (include sore throats, nasal discharge and coughs) in primary care without prescribing an antibiotic

Mean number of prescriptions for an antibiotic issued per 100 patients registered with each primary care practice per year Data derived from a national database of issued prescriptions

57 (31) prescriptions per 100 patients registered per year

Would prescribe for 1.6 (1.2) cases

5.8 (0.8)

Managing Low Back Pain Without Ordering Lumbar Spine X-rays: Managing patients presenting with uncomplicated low back pain in primary care without referring them for a lumbo-sacral spine x-ray

Mean number of lumbar spine x-rays taken per 1000 patients registered with each primary care practice per year Data derived from the reporting systems of the hospitals where the x-rays were performed

5.0 (8.9) x-rays per 1000 patients registered per year

Would refer for lumbar spine x-ray in 1.5 (1.2) cases

5.9 (1.0)