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Table 2 Set of covariates

From: The European quality of care pathways (EQCP) study on the impact of care pathways on interprofessional teamwork in an acute hospital setting: study protocol: for a cluster randomised controlled trial and evaluation of implementation processes


Level of analysis




Randomisation group

Cluster level

Group in which the team was randomised.

Structured questionnaire

Study coordinator

Patient group

Cluster level

Patient group for which the care pathway is being developed.

Structured questionnaire

Study coordinator

Team size

Cluster level

Number of individuals in the team.

Team membership list

Study coordinator

Hospital characteristics

Cluster level

- Number of beds

Structured questionnaire

Study coordinator

- Patient volume

- Teaching status

- Dedicated ward or not

Team tenure

Cluster level

Average number of years that the team members are part of the team.

Structured questionnaire

Team members

Individual characteristics of the team member

Individual level

- Age and gender

Structured questionnaire

Team members

- Professional group of team member

- % of working time

- Years of experience with the patient group

- Years of being a team member

- Has the team member a leading role within the team