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Figure 5 | Implementation Science

Figure 5

From: Modeling technology innovation: How science, engineering, and industry methods can combine to generate beneficial socioeconomic impacts

Figure 5

The bridging role of KT in technology-based R&D. Figure 5 explicates the bridging action of knowledge translation (KT) in the logic model of a technology-based research and development (R&D) program. The diagram shows six adjacent columns and the model elements in labeled text boxes, placed either inside or around the columns. Arrows connecting boxes and columns suggest the following model dynamics. Connection of context evaluation (box above the columns) to project objectives (second column) suggests the importance of needs analysis and program priorities to knowledge generation. This represents the first KT bridge. While resource assessment from input evaluation (first column) leads to project structure (second column), optimizing procedures though process evaluation (first column) is vital for project process (second column). Interaction within this process suggests a KT path between three distinct processes of research (R), development (D) and production (P) and the stage gate (G); this includes bridges from G to R to G to D to G to P. Outgoing arrows from R, D and P connect these three processes to their respective outputs in the third column: research findings (Discovery), prototype (Invention) and device/service (Innovation). In parallel, the output column also connects to product or output evaluation (box below the columns) which assesses output quality and value, first to improve it (formative evaluation box) and then to document it (summative evaluation box). The output column then leads sequentially to the fourth and fifth columns of short- and mid-term outcomes, and finally to the long-term impact or program goal column. These connections are KT bridges of continued knowledge communication. In parallel, outcomes and impact evaluation (box below the outcome columns) assess column content and send data to the sponsor program database (box below outcome and impact evaluation). This marks the documentation of evidence of project impact, facilitated and solidified by the bridging action of knowledge translation.

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