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Table 2 Elements of the OMRU with short definitions of coding labels

From: Interprofessional collaborative practice within cancer teams: Translating evidence into action. A mixed methods study protocol


Short definitions

A. Assess barriers and supports

Local context

   • Work environment

Factors such as rules, regulations, available resources, and support

   • Work pressure

Fit between EIPCP work load and receptivity of involved professionals

   • Competing demands

Multiple pressures calling for practice change and importance of EIPCP and time constraints

Recommendations form BPGs


   • Intervention source

Professionals' perception of whether the EIPCP is an externally or internally driven intervention

   • Benefits ratio

Professionals' perception of the added value for themselves and for the service users

   • Adaptability

The extent to which recommendations can be adapted to fit the dynamics of the local context

   • Usefulness

Perceived usefulness of recommendations from BPGs and others sources of evidence



   • Knowledge

Professionals' definition and concepts related to collaborative practice and anticipated outcome of EIPCP

   • Current practice

Fit between EIPCP, perceived quality of care process and shared decision making

   • Beliefs/Attitudes

Value that professionals place on EIPCP and perception of responsibilities regarding care

B. Monitor degree of use

   • Operational processes

Sequence of events illustrating how cancer team members perform collaborative care planning and shared decision making,

   • Relational processes

Sequence of events illustrating how cancer team members interact, communicate and negotiate shared intervention zone

   • Adaptive processes

Sequence of events illustrating how cancer team members enact changes in order to enhance collaborative practices