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Table 1 Structural and contextual variables and their expected influence on EHR adoption

From: Multi-level analysis of electronic health record adoption by health care professionals: A study protocol




Horizontal specialisation

The division of work is negotiated between the various specialties rather than on a hierarchical basis.

1. Horizontal specialisation has a negative influence on EHR adoption.

Functional differentiation

Differentiation, i.e., how the work is divided, is based upon production units, or fields of expertise.

2. The influence of functional differentiation on EHR adoption depends on groups' values towards the system.

Decentralisation of power

Informal power is both vertically and horizontally decentralised. Power is dispersed towards the bottom of the hierarchical chain and professionals exert a control over decision processes.

3. Decentralisation of power has a variable influence on EHR adoption, depending on professionals' values towards the technology.


Hospital size has usually been measured as the number of beds. In the case of other organisations, number of physicians.

4. Larger organisations are more likely to adopt EHR.


The number of hospitals in the health region.

5. Organisations in regions where there are other hospitals are more likely to adopt HER.


Health care organisations in the Province of Quebec are located in urban, outlying, remote, or isolated regions.

6. Organisations located in remote and isolated regions are less likely to adopt EHR.

Teaching status

Organisations with a teaching status have a larger network because of the presence physicians and residents from university hospitals.

7. Organisations with a teaching status are more likely to adopt EHR.