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  1. Experimentation with continuous quality improvement (CQI) processes is well underway in Indigenous Australian primary health care. To date, little research into how health organizations take up, support, and e...

    Authors: Karen L Gardner, Michelle Dowden, Samantha Togni and Ross Bailie
    Citation: Implementation Science 2010 5:21
  2. Studies included in a related systematic review used a variety of statistical methods to summarise clinical behaviour and to compare proxy (or indirect) and direct (observed) methods of measuring it. The objec...

    Authors: Heather O Dickinson, Susan Hrisos, Martin P Eccles, Jill Francis and Marie Johnston
    Citation: Implementation Science 2010 5:20
  3. Despite the widespread use of quality improvement collaboratives (QICs), evidence underlying this method is limited. A QIC is a method for testing and implementing evidence-based changes quickly across organis...

    Authors: Leti Vos, Michel LA Dückers, Cordula Wagner and Godefridus G van Merode
    Citation: Implementation Science 2010 5:19
  4. Several studies document disparities in access to care and quality of care for depression for African Americans. Research suggests that patient attitudes and clinician communication behaviors may contribute to...

    Authors: Lisa A Cooper, Daniel E Ford, Bri K Ghods, Debra L Roter, Annelle B Primm, Susan M Larson, James M Gill, Gary J Noronha, Elias K Shaya and Nae-Yuh Wang
    Citation: Implementation Science 2010 5:18
  5. Many interventions shown to be effective through clinical trials are not readily implemented in clinical practice. Unfortunately, little is known regarding how clinicians construct their perceptions of the eff...

    Authors: Florian Vogt, David Armstrong and Theresa M Marteau
    Citation: Implementation Science 2010 5:17
  6. The study of implementing research findings into practice is rapidly growing and has acquired many competing names (e.g., dissemination, uptake, utilization, translation) and contributing disciplines. The use of ...

    Authors: K Ann McKibbon, Cynthia Lokker, Nancy L Wilczynski, Donna Ciliska, Maureen Dobbins, David A Davis, R Brian Haynes and Sharon E Straus
    Citation: Implementation Science 2010 5:16
  7. There is a considerable evidence base for 'collaborative care' as a method to improve quality of care for depression, but an acknowledged gap between efficacy and implementation. This study utilises the Normal...

    Authors: Linda Gask, Peter Bower, Karina Lovell, Diane Escott, Janine Archer, Simon Gilbody, Annette J Lankshear, Angela E Simpson and David A Richards
    Citation: Implementation Science 2010 5:15
  8. There is growing interest in the use of cognitive, behavioural, and organisational theories in implementation research. However, the extent of use of theory in implementation research is uncertain.

    Authors: Philippa Davies, Anne E Walker and Jeremy M Grimshaw
    Citation: Implementation Science 2010 5:14
  9. The measurement of healthcare provider performance is becoming more widespread. Physicians have been guarded about performance measurement, in part because the methodology for comparative measurement of care q...

    Authors: Jochen Profit, Katri V Typpo, Sylvia J Hysong, LeChauncy D Woodard, Michael A Kallen and Laura A Petersen
    Citation: Implementation Science 2010 5:13
  10. Computerized clinical decision support systems are information technology-based systems designed to improve clinical decision-making. As with any healthcare intervention with claims to improve process of care ...

    Authors: R Brian Haynes and Nancy L Wilczynski
    Citation: Implementation Science 2010 5:12
  11. Well-designed trials of strategies to improve adherence to clinical practice guidelines are needed to close persistent evidence-practice gaps. We studied how the number of these trials is changing with time, a...

    Authors: Ann E Evensen, Rob Sanson-Fisher, Catherine D'Este and Michael Fitzgerald
    Citation: Implementation Science 2010 5:11
  12. Clinical practice guidelines are largely conceived as tools that will inform health professionals' decisions rather than foster patient involvement in decision making. The time now seems right to adapt clinica...

    Authors: Trudy van der Weijden, France Légaré, Antoine Boivin, Jako S Burgers, Haske van Veenendaal, Anne M Stiggelbout, Marjan Faber and Glyn Elwyn
    Citation: Implementation Science 2010 5:10
  13. The effectiveness of provider-initiated HIV testing and counseling (PITC) for patients with sexually transmitted infection (STI) in resource-constrained settings are of particular concern for high HIV prevalen...

    Authors: Natalie Leon, Pren Naidoo, Catherine Mathews, Simon Lewin and Carl Lombard
    Citation: Implementation Science 2010 5:8
  14. The WISE (Whole System Informing Self-management Engagement) approach encompasses creating, finding, and implementing appropriate self-care support for people with long-term conditions. A training package for ...

    Authors: Anne Kennedy, Carolyn Chew-Graham, Thomas Blakeman, Andrew Bowen, Caroline Gardner, Joanne Protheroe, Anne Rogers and Linda Gask
    Citation: Implementation Science 2010 5:7
  15. Individuals with multiple relatives with colorectal cancer (CRC) and/or a relative with early-onset CRC have an increased risk of developing CRC. They are eligible for preventive measures, such as surveillance...

    Authors: Nicky Dekker, Rosella PMG Hermens, Glyn Elwyn, Trudy van der Weijden, Fokko M Nagengast, Peter van Duijvendijk, Simone Salemink, Eddy Adang, J Han JM van Krieken, Marjolijn JL Ligtenberg and Nicoline Hoogerbrugge
    Citation: Implementation Science 2010 5:6
  16. Rewarding provider performance has been recommended by the Institute of Medicine as an approach to improve the quality of treatment, yet little empirical research currently exists that has examined the effecti...

    Authors: Bryan R Garner, Susan H Godley, Michael L Dennis, Mark D Godley and Donald S Shepard
    Citation: Implementation Science 2010 5:5
  17. The gap between evidence-based guidelines for clinical care and their use in medical settings is well recognized and widespread. Only a few implementation studies of psychiatric guidelines have been carried ou...

    Authors: Tord Forsner, Anna Ã…berg Wistedt, Mats Brommels, Imre Janszky, Antonio Ponce de Leon and Yvonne Forsell
    Citation: Implementation Science 2010 5:4
  18. Information exchange networks for chronic illness care may influence the uptake of innovations in patient care. Valid and feasible methods are needed to document and analyse information exchange networks in he...

    Authors: Michel Wensing, Jan van Lieshout, Jan Koetsenruiter and David Reeves
    Citation: Implementation Science 2010 5:3
  19. There is an extensive body of literature on health system quality reporting that has yet to be characterized. Scoping is a novel methodology for systematically assessing the breadth of a body of literature in ...

    Authors: Susan E Brien, Diane L Lorenzetti, Steven Lewis, James Kennedy and William A Ghali
    Citation: Implementation Science 2010 5:2
  20. The implementation of new medical knowledge into general practice is a complex process. Blended learning may offer an effective and efficient educational intervention to reduce the knowledge-to-practice gap. T...

    Authors: Horst C Vollmar, Herbert Mayer, Thomas Ostermann, Martin E Butzlaff, John E Sandars, Stefan Wilm and Monika A Rieger
    Citation: Implementation Science 2010 5:1
  21. Evidence-based quality improvement models for depression have not been fully implemented in routine primary care settings. To date, few studies have examined the organizational factors associated with depressi...

    Authors: Edward P Post, Amy M Kilbourne, Robert W Bremer, Francis X Solano Jr, Harold Alan Pincus and Charles F Reynolds III
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:84
  22. The goal of this study is to extend research on evidence-based practice (EBP) implementation by examining the impact of organizational type (public versus private) and organizational support for EBP on provide...

    Authors: Gregory A Aarons, David H Sommerfeld and Christine M Walrath-Greene
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:83
  23. Electronic guideline-based decision support systems have been suggested to successfully deliver the knowledge embedded in clinical practice guidelines. A number of studies have already shown positive findings ...

    Authors: Annemie Heselmans, Stijn Van de Velde, Peter Donceel, Bert Aertgeerts and Dirk Ramaekers
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:82
  24. Colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of death from cancer worldwide with over 900,000 diagnoses and 639,000 deaths each year. Although shared decision making is broadly advocated as a mechanism by whic...

    Authors: Marisa Leon-Carlyle, Gillian Spiegle, Selina Schmocker, Anna Gagliardi, David Urbach and Erin Kennedy
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:81
  25. Although magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an important imaging modality for pre-operative staging and surgical planning of rectal cancer, to date there has been little investigation on the completeness and ...

    Authors: Gillian Spiegle, Marisa Leon-Carlyle, Selina Schmocker, Mark Fruitman, Laurent Milot, Anna R Gagliardi, Andy J Smith, Robin S McLeod and Erin D Kennedy
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:79
  26. There is a general expectation within healthcare that organizations should use evidence-based practice (EBP) as an approach to improving the quality of care. However, challenges exist regarding how to make EBP...

    Authors: Cheryl B Stetler, Judith A Ritchie, Jo Rycroft-Malone, Alyce A Schultz and Martin P Charns
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:78
  27. Behavioural approaches to knowledge translation inform interventions to improve healthcare. However, such approaches often focus on a single behaviour without considering that health professionals perform mult...

    Authors: Justin Presseau, Falko F Sniehotta, Jillian J Francis and Neil C Campbell
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:77
  28. Despite the popularity of quality improvement collaboratives (QICs) in different healthcare settings, relatively little is known about the implementation process. The objective of the current study is to learn...

    Authors: Michel LA Dückers, Peter Spreeuwenberg, Cordula Wagner and Peter P Groenewegen
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:74
  29. A growing body of literature documents the efficacy of decision support interventions (DESI) in helping patients make informed clinical decisions. DESIs are frequently described as an adjunct to shared decisio...

    Authors: Dominick L Frosch, France Légaré, Martin Fishbein and Glyn Elwyn
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:73
  30. In October 2008, the National Institute for Health Research launched nine new research projects to develop and investigate methods of translating research evidence into practice. Given the title Collaborations...

    Authors: Richard Baker, Noelle Robertson, Stephen Rogers, Melanie Davies, Nigel Brunskill, Kamlesh Khunti, Michael Steiner, Martin Williams and Paul Sinfield
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:72
  31. The effective implementation of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) depends critically on the extent to which the strategies that are deployed for implementing the guidelines promote provider acceptance of CPG...

    Authors: Mindy E Flanagan, Rangaraj Ramanujam and Bradley N Doebbeling
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:71
  32. Blood transfusion is an essential part of healthcare and can improve patient outcomes. However, like most therapies, it is also associated with significant clinical risks. In addition, there is some evidence o...

    Authors: Jill J Francis, Alan Tinmouth, Simon J Stanworth, Jeremy M Grimshaw, Marie Johnston, Chris Hyde, Charlotte Stockton, Jamie C Brehaut, Dean Fergusson and Martin P Eccles
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:70
  33. A gap continues to exist between what is known to be effective and what is actually delivered in the usual course of medical care. The goal of implementation research is to reduce this gap. However, a tension ...

    Authors: Luci K Leykum, Jacqueline A Pugh, Holly J Lanham, Joel Harmon and Reuben R McDaniel Jr
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:69
  34. This study examined the effectiveness of seven different interventions designed to increase the proportion of general practitioners (GPs) accepting an offer of free access to an online evidence-based resource.

    Authors: Heather Buchan, Emma Lourey, Catherine D'Este and Rob Sanson-Fisher
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:68
  35. Change management experts have emphasized the importance of establishing organizational readiness for change and recommended various strategies for creating it. Although the advice seems reasonable, the scient...

    Authors: Bryan J Weiner
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:67
  36. Despite the effectiveness of brief lifestyle intervention delivered in primary healthcare (PHC), implementation in routine practice remains suboptimal. Beliefs and attitudes have been shown to be associated wi...

    Authors: Rachel A Laws, Lynn A Kemp, Mark F Harris, Gawaine Powell Davies, Anna M Williams and Rosslyn Eames-Brown
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:66
  37. Despite recent research supporting the use of metered dose inhalers with spacer devices (MDI/spacers) in pediatric emergency departments (PEDs) for acute exacerbations of asthma, uptake of this practice has be...

    Authors: Shannon D Scott, Martin H Osmond, Kathy A O'Leary, Ian D Graham, Jeremy Grimshaw and Terry Klassen
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:65
  38. Collaborative care models for depression in primary care are effective and cost-effective, but difficult to spread to new sites. Translating Initiatives for Depression into Effective Solutions (TIDES) is an in...

    Authors: Jeff Luck, Fred Hagigi, Louise E Parker, Elizabeth M Yano, Lisa V Rubenstein and JoAnn E Kirchner
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:64
  39. In this article, we describe the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Community Cancer Centers Program (NCCCP) pilot and the evaluation designed to assess its role, function, and relevance to the NCI's research mis...

    Authors: Steven B Clauser, Maureen R Johnson, Donna M O'Brien, Joy M Beveridge, Mary L Fennell and Arnold D Kaluzny
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:63
  40. Health information technology and electronic medical records (EMRs) are potentially powerful systems-based interventions to facilitate diagnosis and treatment because they ensure the delivery of key new findin...

    Authors: Sylvia J Hysong, Mona K Sawhney, Lindsey Wilson, Dean F Sittig, Adol Esquivel, Monica Watford, Traber Davis, Donna Espadas and Hardeep Singh
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:62
  41. Significant resources and time are invested in the production of research knowledge. The primary objective of this randomized controlled trial was to evaluate the effectiveness of three knowledge translation a...

    Authors: Maureen Dobbins, Steven E Hanna, Donna Ciliska, Steve Manske, Roy Cameron, Shawna L Mercer, Linda O'Mara, Kara DeCorby and Paula Robeson
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:61
  42. Approximately one-quarter of all Canadian children will seek emergency care in any given year, with the two most common medical problems affecting children in the emergency department (ED) being acute respirat...

    Authors: Shannon Scott, Lisa Hartling, Jeremy Grimshaw, David Johnson, Martin Osmond, Amy Plint, Rollin Brant, Jamie C Brehaut, Ian D Graham, Gillian Currie, Nicola Shaw, Maala Bhatt, Tim Lynch, Liza Bialy and Terry Klassen
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:60
  43. Teaching the content of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) is important to both clinical care and graduate medical education. The objective of this study was to determine the characteristics of curricula for ...

    Authors: Elie A Akl, Reem Mustafa, Mark C Wilson, Andrew Symons, Amir Moheet, Thomas Rosenthal, Gordon H Guyatt and Holger J Schünemann
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:59
  44. Although most hospitalized smokers receive some form of cessation counseling during hospitalization, few receive outpatient cessation counseling and/or pharmacotherapy following discharge, which are key factor...

    Authors: David Katz, Mark Vander Weg, Steve Fu, Allan Prochazka, Kathleen Grant, Lynne Buchanan, David Tinkelman, Heather Schacht Reisinger, John Brooks, Stephen L Hillis, Anne Joseph and Marita Titler
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:58
  45. Uptake of interventions to improve quality of care by clinicians is variable and is influenced by clinicians' attitudes. The influence of clinicians' experience with an intervention on their preference for ado...

    Authors: Jochen WL Cals, Christopher C Butler and Geert-Jan Dinant
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:57
  46. While a number of preventive interventions delivered within schools have shown both short-term and long-term impact in epidemiologically based randomized field trials, programs are not often sustained with hig...

    Authors: Jeanne Poduska, Sheppard Kellam, C Hendricks Brown, Carla Ford, Amy Windham, Natalie Keegan and Wei Wang
    Citation: Implementation Science 2009 4:56

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