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Table 4 Quantitative results

From: The effectiveness and acceptability of evidence synthesis summary formats for clinical guideline development groups: a mixed-methods systematic review

Author (year) interventions

Primary (secondary) outcome measures



Satisfaction/reading experience

Accessibility/ease of use


Buljan (2018) [59]

• Infographic


• SA (doctors only)

Understanding/knowledge (max score = 10)

Reading experience (max score = 50)

User-friendliness (max score = 50)

Patients (n = 99), median score (95% CI)

Infographic: 7.0 (6.0–7.0)

PLS: 7.0 (6.0–7.0)

P = 0.511

Doctors (n = 64), median score (95% CI)

Infographic: 8.0 (6.0–8.0)

PLS: 8.0 (7.0–9.0)

SA: 8.0 (5.9–9.0)

P = 0.611

Significant predictor of knowledge score

• Patients only: awareness of Cochrane SRs (OR 5.3; 95% CI: 1.7–16.6), 13.4% of variance

Reading experience

Patients (n = 99), median score (95% CI)

Infographic: 33.0 (28.0–36.0)

PLS: 22.5 (19.0–27.4)

P < 0.001

Doctors (n = 64), median score (95% CI)

Infographic: 37.0 (26.8–41.3)

PLS: 32.0 (30.0–39.9)

SA: 24.0 (21.3–27.2)

P = 0.002


Patients (n = 99), median score (95% CI)

Infographic: 30.0 (25.5–34.5)

PLS: 21.0 (19.0–25.0)

P < 0.001

Doctors (n = 64), median score (95% CI)

Infographic: 36.0 (30.9–40.0)

PLS: 29.0 (26.8–36.2)

SA: 25.0 (23.5–27.2)

P = 0.003

Not reported

Carrasco-Labra (2016) [60]

• Existing GRADE SoF table

• Alternate GRADE SoF tables

Understanding (7 multiple-choice questions on 5-point scale, analysed at question level)

Accessibility of information (5-point scale), satisfaction (6 yes/no questions analysed at question level), preference (7-point scale)

1. 4/7 items risk difference (RD, 95% CI) in favour of alternate SoF tables

2. Understanding of quality of evidence and treatment effect RD: 62% (52–71), P < 0.001

3. Ability to determine risk difference RD: 63% (54.6–71), P < 0.001

4. Ability to quantify risk RD: 6% (0.1–13.3), P = 0.06

5. Understanding of quality of evidence RD: 7% (0.1–12.4), P = 0.06

6. 3/7 items similar results (RD 95% CI) between formats

7. Ability to interpret risk RD: 0% (−5.3–5.4), P = 0.99

8. Ability to relate N of participant/studies and outcomes RD: −3% (−7.5–1.7), P = 1.00

9. Ability to interpret footnotes RD: 7% (−2–15), P = 0.18

Questions where largest proportion in favour of alternate SoF tables: 5/6

Questions where largest proportion in favour of existing SoF table: 1/6

Overall accessibility mean difference (MD (SE)) in favour of alternate SoF: MD 0.3 (0.11), P = 0.001

MD (SE) in favour of alternate SoF: 2.8 (1.6)

Opiyo (2013) [50]

• Normal systematic review (SR)

• SR plus SoF tables

• Graded-entry SR

Understanding (2 questions per format on 3-point scale)

Composite endpoint (on 5-point scale)

Clarity (1 question per format on 3-point scale)

Accessibility (2 questions per format on 5-point scale)

Odds ratio (OR) (95% CI) SR plus SoF versus SR, OR 0.59 (0.32–1.07)

Graded-entry SR versus SR, OR 0.66 (0.36–1.21)

Sub-group analyses: policymakers understanding

• SR plus SoF OR 1.5 (0.15–15.15)

• Graded-entry OR 1.5 (0.64 t–3.54)

Not reported


SR plus SoF versus SR

• OR (95% CI) 0.91

• (0.57–1.46)

• MD (95% CI) 0.11 (−0.71–0.48)

Graded-entry SR versus SR

OR 1.06 (1.06 to 2.20)

• - MD (95% CI) 0.52 (0.06–0.99)

Not reported

Rosenbaum (2010) [61]


• Cochrane review (CR) with no SoF table

• CR with SoF table (limited formatting)

• CR with SoF table (full formatting)

User satisfaction (multiple-choice questionnaire)

Perceived understanding and ease of use (7 questions on 8-point scale)

Proportion who agree/strongly agree main findings were easy to understand % (95% CI)

• No SoF table: 56 (37–75)

• With SoF table (both formats): 60 (46–74)

P = 0.54

Not reported

Proportion who agree/strongly agree very accessible % (95% CI)

• No SoF table: 17 (2–32)

• With SoF table (both formats): 41 (27–56)

P = 0.037

65% agreed CR should include SOF with the proposed format

Rosenbaum (2010)


• Cochrane review (CR) with no SoF table

• CR with SoF table (limited formatting)

• CR with SoF table (full formatting)

Understanding (4 questions)

Time spent finding 5 key results

2/4 difference in proportion of questions correctly answered (%, 95% CI) favouring with SOF

1. Risk in the control group: 44% (21–67) versus 93% (81–100), P = 0.003)

2. Risk in the intervention group: 11% (0–26) versus 87% (69–100), P < 0.001)

2/4 no difference in proportion of questions correctly answered (%, 95% CI)

1. Confidence of review authors: without SoF 67% (45–88) vs. with SoF 87% (69–100), P = 0.18

2. Identifying important outcomes: without SoF 33% (9–57) versus with SoF 53% (28–79), P = 0.27

Not reported

Mean time (min) finding answers

Risk in the control group

• No SoF table: 4

• With SoF table: 1.5

P = 0.02

Risk in the intervention group

• No SoF table: 2.8

• With SoF table: 1.3

P = 0.118

Confidence of review authors

• No SoF table: 1.5

• With SoF table: 2.1

P = 0.47

Identifying important outcomes

• No SoF table: 1.9

• With SoF table: 2.0

P = 0.88

84% agreed CR should include SOF with the proposed format

  1. Abbreviations: CI Confidence interval, CR Cochrane review, GRADE Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations, MD Mean difference, NR Not reported, OR Odds ratio, PLS Plain language summary, RD Risk difference, SA Scientific abstract, SD Standard deviation, SE Standard error, SoF Summary of findings, SR Systematic review