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Table 4 Implementation outcomes

From: Can clinician champions reduce potentially inappropriate medications in people living with dementia? Study protocol for a cluster randomized trial


Source of data


Appropriateness: “…”appropriateness” is deemed important for its potential to capture some “pushback” to implementation efforts.”

Project Workbook: stakeholder power grid completed in “Understand Project Landscape?

Stakeholder Analysis Power Grid: proportion of stakeholders who are opponents of the project or express reservations

Fidelity: “…is the degree to which an intervention was implemented as it was prescribed in the original protocol or as it was intended by the program developers”

Project Workbook: completed milestone log

Total number of milestones met across all 7 phases of work; how many phases of work with at least 50% of milestones completed

Feasibility: “…the extent to which a new innovation, can be successfully used or carried out within a given agency or setting.”

Project Workbook: Milestones log

Number of milestones completed in “Test the Intervention” phase of work

Penetration: “…the integration of a practice within a service setting and its subsystems.”

Project Workbook: stakeholder analysis worksheet log

Number of champions who complete the intervention. Number of stakeholders identified and engaged by each champion.

Equity: “…proactive tailoring of de-implementation strategies to address healthcare inequities and unintended consequences for vulnerable populations.”

Project Workbook: Milestones log.

Three milestones have an equity focus, one each within phases 2, 5, and 7. Number of equity milestones completed in Workbook Phases 2, 5, and 7.