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Table 1 Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials (SPIRIT) figure for the Quality Improvement for Surgical Teams (QIST) trial as delivered

From: Scaling up Quality Improvement for Surgical Teams (QIST)—avoiding surgical site infection and anaemia at the time of surgery: a cluster randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness of quality improvement collaboratives to introduce change in the NHS

  1. QIC quality improvement collaborative, SSI surgical site infection, IOC independent outcomes committee
  2. *The timeline involved towards the end of the QIST programme was adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The timing and nature of the cross-over collaborative learning events and final celebration events changed in light of national guidance. The cross-over collaboratives consisted of 2 learning events (Nov 2019 and March 2020); a third had been planned but was cancelled due to lockdown restrictions. The final celebration event was delayed until November 2020, and this was held virtually instead of in person as originally planned
  3. **The implementation period was a 6-month period during which it was expected Trusts would develop and implement their preoperative pathways before the trial measurement/outcome data collection phase began