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Table 1 Definition and measurement of organizational contextual factors

From: Organizational contextual factors that predict success of a quality improvement collaborative approach to enhance integrated HIV-tuberculosis services: a sub-study of the Scaling up TB/HIV Integration trial

Organizational contextual factors (OCFs)


Allocation of scores

Max score per clinic


Completed by

Survey used

Physical Infrastructure

Refers to availability, utilization, and cleanliness of spaces, rooms, and facilities that are required for patient care, consultation rooms, waiting areas, designated cough booth, designated pharmacy, privacy for patients, vitals assessment* room, and ablution facilities.

1 point allocated to each area for each attribute of availability, utilization, and cleanliness

Availability = 7

Utilization = 7

Cleanliness = 7


Key areas were directly observed and scored.

Jointly completed by study staff and facility manager or designee

Physical infrastructure is a sub-scale located in the CPT

Key staff

Refers to frontline healthcare workers that are considered key personnel in providing patient care and monitoring delivery of healthcare services at the clinic level. Key staff included:

- Facility manager

- NIMART nurse

- PN trained to initiate and manage TB treatment

- Lay counsellors

- Data capturer

- Enrolled nurses

1 point allocated if key staff post was filled at the time of completing the survey


Data received directly from facility manager or designee

Jointly completed by study staff and facility manager or designee

Key staff is a sub-scale located in the CPT

Flexibility of clinic hours

Refers to the operating hours of clinics as a proxy measure for the extent to which clinic services are available to the community. Normal hours were defined as Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 16:00. Flexibility is defined as normal hours plus any hours on either side of normal hours or normal hours plus weekends or public holidays

Availability of clinic services during normal working hours = 1 point; extended hours = 2 points; weekends, extended hours, and public holiday = 3 points


Data received directly from facility manager or designee

Jointly completed by study staff and facility manager or designee

Flexibility of clinic hours is a sub-scale located in the CPT

Leadership support *

Refers to leadership support visits from the DMT conducted within the last 6 months. Key DMT staff considered were: TB manager, HAST manager, QA manager, M&E manager.

Frequency with which the facility manager** was off-site for meetings was considered and combined with the leadership visits score.

1 point allocated to each of the 4 DMT members who visited the clinic even once in the last 6 months


Frequency facility manager is off-site:

Weekly = 1

Bi-monthly = 2

Monthly = 3

Quarterly = 4


Data received directly from facility manager or designee and confirmed with the Clinic Visitor’s logbook

Jointly completed by study staff and facility manager or designee

Leadership support is a sub-scale of the CPT

Monitoring data for improvement (MDI)

Refers to the extent to which clinic teams have accessed and utilized integrated HIV and TB electronic databases, met to discuss performance, and monitors HIV and TB programme outcomes.

Key systems in place for MDI allocated 1 point each and evidence of implementation allocated 1 point each:

- Team information meetings—2

- -Ability to generate reports from the patient electronic database—2

- HIV-TB mortality data reviewed—2

- Single electronic system for HIV and TB—2

- Data quality assurance systems in place and implemented—2

- Clinic improvement team available and functional—2


Data received directly from facility manager or designee

Team meetings verified by meeting minutes.

Direct observation of integrated electronic and patient file system

Data quality assurance plans observed on file

Jointly completed by study staff and facility manager or designee

Monitoring data for improvement is a sub-scale located in the CPT

Supportive contexts for change

Refers to clinic staff perceptions of the extent to which their work environment was supportive to making changes.

The COACH survey scored as per developers’ guidance which was to calculate the mean of all sub-scale means

Mean of 5

Survey administered to clinic staff volunteers by a trained study staff member

Clinic staff who volunteered and agreed to sign the informed consent

COACH tool

The degree of integrated TB and HIV services

Validated survey that assessed the perceptions of healthcare workers in the extent to which staff and clinic processes were organized and coordinated toward integrated HIV-TB services

Degree of integrated TB and HIV survey as per developer’s guidance which was to calculate the mean of all sub-scale means

Mean of 5

Survey administered to clinic staff volunteers by a trained study staff member

Clinic staff who volunteered and agreed to sign the informed consent

Degree of integrated TB and HIV survey

  1. CPT Clinic Profile Tool, DMT District Management Team, HAST HIV/AIDS/STI and TB, M&E monitoring and evaluation, COACH Context Assessment for Community Health, NIMART Nurse-Initiated Management of Antiretroviral Therapy, OCF organizational contextual factors, PN professional nurse, QA quality assurance, TB tuberculosis
  2. *The scoring of the Leadership sub-scale deviated from the original plan to give regular visits higher scores. We learnt that DMTs are mandated to visit clinics quarterly. Quarterly scores would have been assigned a score of 1 which would have been an inaccurate reflection of the leadership support. Instead, we rephrased the question, to capture if any leadership visits had occurred in the last 6 months from the time the questionnaire was administered
  3. **On-site leadership support is often compromised by the demand placed on facility managers to attend meetings hence we included this item in the leadership support sub-scale