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Table 1 Primary and secondary study outcomes and measures

From: Sustained effects of the INFORM cluster randomized trial: an observational post-intervention study


Data source


Primary study outcome


Formal interactions

ACT, embedded within the TREC care aide survey

Four items (rated from 1 = never to 5 = almost always) asking care aides how often, in the last typical month, they participated in the following: team meetings about residents, family conferences, change-of-shift reports, and continuing education (conferences, courses) outside their nursing home.

A sum score (0–4, higher is better) is created by recoding each item (1 and 2 to 0; 3 to 0.5; 4 and 5 to 1) and summing recoded values.

Predictors of sustainability



ACT, embedded within the TREC care aide survey

Six items (rated from 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree) asking care aides to rate collaborative leadership qualities of the person or group of persons they report to most of the time.

An overall score is derived by averaging the score of the six items.


ACT, embedded within the TREC care aide survey

Six items (rated from 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree) asking care aides whether they think they are part of a supportive work culture.

An overall score is derived by averaging the score of the six items.


ACT, embedded within the TREC care aide survey

Six items (rated from 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree) asking care aides whether they are involved in the process of using data to assess team performance and to achieve outcomes in their organization or on their care unit.

An overall score is derived by averaging the score of the six items.

INFORM fidelity enactment

INFORM process evaluation toolkit

One item asking facilitators of INFORM intervention workshops to rate the level of fidelity enactment of each care unit (1 = very low to 5 = very high) after the last intervention workshop.

The item score (1–5, higher is better) is used in the analyses.

Model covariates


Care aide sex

Care aide demographics, embedded within the TREC care aide survey

Dichotomous item (male or female).

Care aide age

Care aide demographics, embedded within the TREC care aide survey

Categorical variable including the categories < 25 years, 25–34 years, 35–44 years, 45–54 years, > 54 years.

Care aide first language

Care aide demographics, embedded within the TREC care aide survey

Categorical variable including the categories English, Filipino, Tagalog, and other (and in case of other care aides are asked to specify the other language).

Care unit staffing

ASSiST measure, embedded within the TREC care unit survey

Average daily number of care aides, licensed practical nurses and registered nurses that are scheduled on weekdays and weekends on the unit.

Care hours per resident day for each provider group and in total are calculated based on a validated algorithm.

Facility location

Facility characteristics, embedded within the TREC facility survey

Categorical variable including the categories Calgary Zone, Edmonton Zone, Fraser Health Region and Interior Health region

Facility size

Facility characteristics, embedded within the TREC facility survey

Categorical variable including the categories small (< 80 beds), medium (80–120 beds), and large (> 120 beds)

Facility ownership model

Facility characteristics, embedded within the TREC facility survey

Categorical variable, including the categories public, not-for-profit; voluntary, not-for-profit; private, for-profit

  1. ACT Alberta Context Tool; ASSiST A Scheduled Shifts Staffing; TREC Translating Research in Elder Care