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Table 2 Characteristics of included articles in the review

From: Barriers and facilitators influencing the sustainment of health behaviour interventions in schools and childcare services: a systematic review

Author(s), year of publication, and intervention name

Country, setting, and health behaviour(s) targeted

Design, participants/sample size, method(s) of data collection

Conceptual framework used, initial implementation support(s) offered

Time without external implementation support

Hayes et al., 2019 [36]; Food Dudes and Green Schools Travel programmes.

Ireland; elementary and secondary schools; diet and physical activity.

Multiple case study qualitative design; n=7 schools, n=18 participants; semi-structured interviews.

RE-AIM implementation framework [66];

- Resources/equipment

- Role modelling

- Incentives

- Programme support officers

- Programme champion/advocate.

6 months

Rozema et al., 2017 [37]; Outdoor school ground smoking ban.

The Netherlands; secondary schools; smoking.

Mixed-method design; n=15 participants; surveys and semi-structured interviews.

Conceptual sustainability framework of Shediac-Rizkallah and Bone [67];

Initial implementation support information was unobtainable.

6 months

Austin et al., 2011 [38]; Promoting lifelong active youth zone programme.

Australia; elementary schools; physical activity.

Mixed-method design; n=24 schools, n=24 participants; interviews and surveys.

RE-AIM implementation framework [66];

- Resources

- Training/professional development.

6-12 months

Day et al., 2019 [39]; PhunkyFoods nutrition and physical activity educational programme and Food Dudes Evaluation healthy eating programme.

England; elementary schools; diet and physical activity.

Qualitative design; n=14 schools, n=64 participants; semi-structured interviews.

Durlak and DuPre implementation framework [22];

- Resources/equipment

- Programme support officers

- Role modelling

- Incentives

- Training/professional development.

6–18 months

Rohrbach et al., 1993 [40]; Adolescent Alcohol Prevention Trial.

USA; elementary schools; smoking and alcohol.

Quantitative 2×2 factorial design; n=85 participants; surveys.

Roger’s Diffusion theory [68];

- Training/professional development

- Resources/equipment

- Programme support officers.

1 year

Austin et al., 2006 [41]; The School Health Index.

USA; elementary and secondary schools; diet and physical activity.

Qualitative research design; n=9 schools, n=34 participants; in-depth interviews.

Framework information was unobtainable;

- Programme champion/advocate.

1 year

Gorely et al., 2011 [42]; GreatFun2Run programme.

UK; elementary schools; diet and physical activity.

Mixed-method design; n=8 schools (4 intervention), 8 participants; semi-structured interviews and focus groups.

Framework information was unobtainable;

- Resources/equipment

- Announcements/marketing

- Monitoring.

18–20 months

Friend et al., 2014 [43]; ‘New Moves’ physical activity programme.

USA; secondary schools; diet and physical activity.

Mixed-method, cross-sectional design; n=12 schools (6 intervention), 10 participants; surveys, interviews, and direct observation.

Framework information was unobtainable;

- Training/professional development

- Resources/equipment.

1–2 years

Blaine et al., 2017 [44]; Massachusetts Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration Intervention.

USA; elementary and middle schools; diet and physical activity.

Convergent, parallel mixed-method design; n=57 participants; surveys and in-depth interviews.

Proctor et al.’s Implementation Outcomes Framework [69];

- Training/professional development

- Programme champion/advocate

- Resources/equipment.

1–2 years

De Meji et al., 2013 [45]; Physical activity intervention-JUMP-in.

The Netherlands; elementary schools; physical activity.

Mixed-method process evaluation design; n=9 participants; surveys and in-depth interviews.

Framework of Fleuren, Wiefferink and Paulussen [70];

- Programme support officers.

2 years

Egan et al., 2019 [46]; Health Optimising Physical Education-based comprehensive school physical activity programme.

USA; middle schools; physical activity.

Qualitative case study design; n=1 school, n=16 participants; semi-structured interviews and focus groups.

Roger’s Diffusion theory [68];

- Resources/equipment

- Announcements/marketing

- Training/professional development.

2 years

Greaney et al., 2014 [47]; Healthy Choices Collaborative Intervention.

USA; middle schools; diet and physical activity.

Qualitative case study design; n=56 participants; in-depth interviews.

Framework information was unobtainable;

- Funding

- Training/professional development

- Resources/equipment.

2 years

Ward et al., 2018 [20]; The Healthy Start-Départ Santé intervention.

Canada; childcare services; diet and physical activity.

Mixed-method process evaluation design; n=140 participants; surveys (open-ended questions).

RE-AIM implementation framework [66];

- Training/professional development

- Resources/equipment

- Programme champion/advocate

- Programme support officers.

2 years

Banfield et al., 2015 [48]; School Youth Health Nurse programme.

Australia; secondary schools; diet and smoking.

Mixed-method design; n=38 participants; programme records, surveys, and interviews.

RE-AIM implementation framework [66];

- Programme support officers

- Training/professional development.

3 years

Passmore et al., 2018 [49]; Health for Life programme.

UK; elementary schools; diet and physical activity.

Descriptive-interpretive qualitative design; n=7 schools, n=7 participants; semi-structured interviews.

Roger’s Diffusion theory [68];

- Resources/equipment

- Action plan

- Training/professional development

- Funding

- Programme support officers.

2–5 years

Dowda et al., 2005 [50]; Sports, Play, and Active Recreation for Kids programme.

USA; elementary schools; physical activity.

Quantitative design; n=111 participants; surveys.

Roger’s Diffusion theory [68];

- Programme support officers

- Training/professional development

- Resources/equipment

- Monitoring.

4 years

Masse et al., 2012 [51]; Action Schools! BC physical activity and healthy eating programme.

Canada; elementary schools; diet and physical activity.

Quantitative, cross-sectional design; n=720 participants; surveys.

Framework information was unobtainable;

- Resources/equipment

- Announcements/marketing

- Training/professional development

- Programme support officers.

4 years

Cirillo et al., 2018 [52]; Farm to School programme—free lunches.

USA; elementary, middle, and secondary schools; diet.

Qualitative design; n=10 participants; semi-structured interviews.

Framework information was unobtainable;

- Resources/equipment

- Training/professional development.

Ranged from 1–7 years (mean=4 years)

Osganian et al., 2003 [53]; Child and Adolescent Trial for Cardiovascular Health (CATCH) programme.

USA; elementary schools; diet.

Quantitative, cross-sectional descriptive design; n=272 participants; surveys.

Roger’s Diffusion theory [68];

- Resources/equipment

- Programme support officers

- Training/professional development.

5 years

Kelder et al., 2003 [54]; Child and Adolescent Trial for Cardiovascular Health (CATCH) physical education (PE) programme.

USA; elementary schools; physical activity.

Mixed-method, cross-sectional design; interviews: n=199 participants, questionnaires: n=993 participants; observation, interviews, and surveys.

Framework information was unobtainable;

- Training/professional development

- Resources/equipment.

5 years

Lytle et al., 2003 [55]; Child and Adolescent Trial for Cardiovascular Health (CATCH) programme.

USA; elementary schools; diet and physical activity.

Qualitative, cross-sectional design; n=4 schools, n=199 participants; interviews.

Framework information was unobtainable;

- Training/professional development

- Resources/equipment.

5 years

McKenzie et al., 2003 [56]; Child and Adolescent Trial for Cardiovascular Health (CATCH) programme.

USA; elementary schools; physical activity.

Quantitative, cross-sectional design; n=56 original intervention schools (Participant level information was unobtainable); surveys and direct observation.

Social Cognitive theory [71];

- Training/professional development

- Resources/equipment.

5 years

Johnson et al., 2003 [57]; Child and Adolescent Trial for Cardiovascular Health (CATCH) programme.

USA; elementary schools; diet and physical activity.

Quantitative cross-sectional design; n=890 participants; surveys.

Social Cognitive theory [71];

- Training/professional development

- Resources/equipment.

5 years

Hoelscher et al., 2004 [58]; Child and Adolescent Trial for Cardiovascular Health (CATCH) programme.

USA; elementary schools; diet and physical activity.

Quantitative, cross-sectional design; n=76 schools (Participant level information was unobtainable); surveys, direct observation.

Roger’s Diffusion theory [68];

- Training/professional development

- Resources/equipment.

5 years

Parcel et al., 2003 [59]; Child and Adolescent Trial for Cardiovascular Health (CATCH) programme.

USA; elementary schools; diet and physical activity.

Quantitative, cross-sectional design; n=56 schools (Participant level information was unobtainable); surveys, direct observation.

Roger’s Diffusion theory [68];

- Training/professional development

- Resources/equipment

- Programme support officers.

5 years

Weimer et al., 2013 [60]; Physical education programme.

USA; elementary schools; physical activity.

Qualitative, comparative case study design; n=3 schools, n=19 participants; semi-structured interviews, direct observation, and monitoring data.

Enabling conditions framework [24];

- Programme support officers

- Funding

- Training/professional development

- Parental/community support.

5 years

Greaney et al., 2007 [61]; Healthy Choices Collaborative Intervention.

USA; middle schools; diet and physical activity.

Qualitative study design/modified rapid assessment process; n= 21 participants; in-depth interviews.

Framework information was unobtainable;

- Funding

- Training/professional development

- Resources/equipment

- Programme support officers.

4–7 years

Franks et al., 2007 [62]; Child and Adolescent Trial for Cardiovascular Health (CATCH), Planet Health and Not-On-Tobacco (N-O-T) programmes.

USA; elementary, middle, and secondary schools; diet, physical activity and smoking.

CATCH: Mixed-method, cross-sectional design; Planet Health: Quantitative randomised controlled design; N-O-T: Matched design; Participant level information was unobtainable; interviews, questionnaires, and monitoring data.

Roger’s Diffusion theory [68], social cognitive theory [71];

Initial implementation support information was unobtainable.

4–7 years

Adametz et al., 2017 [63]; PriMa and Torra.

Germany; secondary schools; diet.

Descriptive-interpretive qualitative design; n=12 schools, n=13 participants; interviews.

Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) [72];

- Resources/equipment

- Training/professional development

- Programme support officers.

7–8 years

Allar et al., 2017 [64]; Physical activity intervention- Educational resource ‘I am Moving, I am Learning’ resource.

USA; childcare services; physical activity.

Qualitative design; n=4 teacher/staff focus groups, n=33 participants; focus groups.

RE-AIM implementation framework [66];

- Resources/equipment

- Parental/community support.

9–10 years

Nielsen et al., 2018 [65]; The Svendborg Project.

Denmark; elementary schools; physical activity.

Convergent mixed-method triangulation design; n=6 schools, n=35 participants; interviews and surveys.

Stages of implementation framework [73], RE-AIM framework [66];

- Training/professional development

- Programme champion/advocate.

10 years