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Table 2 Specification of WISE implementation strategies from a Hybrid III Implementation Trial

From: Stakeholder selected strategies for obesity prevention in childcare: results from a small-scale cluster randomized hybrid type III trial







Obtain formal commitments

WISE facilitators and directors

Sign commitment after facilitators and directors discuss

Before teacher training


Address barriers of awareness and leadership buy-in

Identify and prepare champions [34, 35]

Appointed champion at each site

Provide 2-h training on advocating and navigating for WISE

Within 2 months of teacher training

1 training: monthly contacts and as requested

Address barrier of capacity for change

Develop an implementation blueprint [36]

WISE staff review with directors

Provide target milestones for each phase and testimonials

With director before training

As desired

Support integration of change and leadership engagement

Remind educators [37, 38]

Classroom cutting board

Provide visual reminder of EBPs

At WISE lessons

As desired

Provide timely reminders

Implementation facilitation [39]

WISE facilitators

Provide in-person visits to directors, champions, and educators

Beginning 2 weeks after training; continuing for 1 year

Twice monthly; more upon request

Address contextual barriers; task and goal support; build and leverage relationships; holistic/enabling focus [40, 41]

Distribute educational materials [37, 38, 40,41,42]

WISE facilitators and champions

Provide educators with tailored educational material on the use of EBPs

Each quarter

Varies by teacher (up to 8 resources given)

Address barriers of beliefs, knowledge and skills; give advantages of EBPs.

Provide incentives [43]

WISE facilitators and champions

Provide incentives to educators for use of EBPs

Each quarter

Varies by teacher (up to 8 earned)

Leverage norms to increase use of EBPs; increase adoption