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Table 1 Breakdown of TiPTAP intervention

From: Audit and feedback with or without training in-practice targeting antibiotic prescribing (TiPTAP): a study protocol of a cluster randomised trial in dental primary care

Intervention component

Mode of delivery

Delivered to


Feedback of practice-level and individualised antibiotic prescribing data

Documents sent electronically

Practice contact (practice data)

Individual dentists (individual data)

Prior to QIiPT visit

Introductory presentation

Remote online meeting (group)

Practice team

On the QIiPT visit before infection control and decontamination training completed

Problem solving discussion

Remote online meeting (group)

Practice team

On the QIiPT visit day after the introductory educational presentation


1. Prescribing data plus guidance for use

2. ‘Antibiotics do not cure toothache’ Poster (digital copy)

3. Link to ‘antibiotics do not cure toothache’ patient leaflets

4. SDCEP bacterial infections management flow chart (digital copy)

5. Information relating to delayed prescribing

6. Script for reception staff

7. Any other relevant resources

Provision of list of links to online resources

Practice team

During problem solving discussion on QIiPT visit day

Action plans

Discussed at face to face training visit

Completed and returned electronically

Practice team

To be completed and returned within 8 weeks